Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh Online
NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam pattern/Syllabus for Scientific Officer/Engineer-SB Programmer can find below(Based on candidate's Experience those who attempted previous years):
The NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam question paper consist of 100 question, scheduled to be completed in 2 hours.
The NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam paper pattern is MCQ type divided into 2 sections.
75 question are of 1 marks, rest of them will be of 3 marks each.
That means this exam will be of 2 hours and having 100 Question out of hundred 75 questions are objective and remaining 25 question will have 3 marks. So total marks 150.
There will be negative marking of (1/3)rd the marks alloted to a question.
The NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam pattern/Syllabus for Scientific Officer/Engineer-SB Programmer consisted equivalent version of GATE but with very little stress on Theory of Computation, Automata Theory and little stress on Algorithm Analysis.
In general, questions is coming from the following subjects majorly.
2. Operating system
3. Computer Network
4. C and C++
5. Software engineering
6. Very few questions related to TOC.
NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam pattern/Syllabus for Scientific Officer/Engineer-SB Programmer can find below(Based on candidate's Experience those who attempted previous years):
The NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam question paper consist of 100 question, scheduled to be completed in 2 hours.
The NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam paper pattern is MCQ type divided into 2 sections.
75 question are of 1 marks, rest of them will be of 3 marks each.
That means this exam will be of 2 hours and having 100 Question out of hundred 75 questions are objective and remaining 25 question will have 3 marks. So total marks 150.
There will be negative marking of (1/3)rd the marks alloted to a question.
The NIC(National Informatic Center) Exam pattern/Syllabus for Scientific Officer/Engineer-SB Programmer consisted equivalent version of GATE but with very little stress on Theory of Computation, Automata Theory and little stress on Algorithm Analysis.
In general, questions is coming from the following subjects majorly.
2. Operating system
3. Computer Network
4. C and C++
5. Software engineering
6. Very few questions related to TOC.

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