GAIL (Gas Authority of India Ltd.)ET Exam Paper For Instrumentation(Based on candidate Experience)
GAIL INDIA Ltd. for instrumentation
Test Consists of Two Sections:
1.) Technical i.e.
2.) Aptitude (Eng., Logical Reasoning, G.K., etc.)
1.) Technical:-
It consists of 100 ques.
In this time's paper, most of the question were based on tecnhicalsubjects,
This section was really very easy!!!
A basic knowledge of mathematical formulas will help to solve all the aptitude questions!!!
Although G.K. was a bit tough for me!!!
The paper consisted of 150 questions MCQ including G.K,Tech and aptitude and time was 2 hrs.
100 questions technical, 50 aptitude +G.K
This exam was different from all others govt. exam. There is no questions from our main subject like digital, analog and other important subjects. The questions were purely based on data comm.. & computer n/w. and some questions were from coding like m-ary, fec, Manchester etc. it was totally unexpected. The time duration was 2 hrs and the total qs 150. There were no negative marking. The technical part consists of 100 qs. & the general awareness part is of 50 qs.
It consist of most of question on feed back control system i.e. finding of ess,,kp,kv,ka. Dsd like addition ,substraction of signed numbers, flip flops,counters,sensors & transducers.
Some questions are on signals & systems like laplace, z transform and very general questions on day to day life.Reasoning is also there.......
section 2
This section was total gk section quizzing about the day to day happenings,ministers,business partnerships/alliance,company owners,stake holders
section 3
This section was based on the general aptitude + english
1)general aptitude: easy questions on profit/loss,partnerships,ratios,age problems,identifying the odd figure out from
4 figures,finding 4th figure from the 3 given figures,logical questions on sequencing and arranging,ranks.
2)english was easy with a small and easy R.C,fill in the blanks with proper articles,words nearest in meaning to the given word

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