Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh Online
1. (a) What are the emergency spares to be available with TT Machine ? (b) What are the safety equipment to be available with a Track Machine as per G&SR ? 2. (a)For better retentivity of track, give the values of various parameters of tamping to be maintained during the block ? (b) Describe various components of a tamping bank in Unimat ? 3.(a) Enumerate the items which are required to be noted in daily schedules of a TTM ? (b) Describe briefly the procedure for deep screening by BCM ? 4. (a) Draw a neat diagram indicating the protection of a tie tamping machine on B.G line, indicating all the distances clearly. (b) Mention the stipulated block hours per month of CSM, PQRS and T-28. 5. Enumerate various types of transducers provided in the plain track tamping machines and briefly explain about each of them and indicate their calibrated voltages/mm. 6. What are the various components of a Cummins make diesel engines ? What are the functions of various components and factors affecting the performance of diesel engines ? 7. List out the various gear boxes installed in work site tampers (new Duomatic). Explain the functions of all the gear boxes and power transmission through them 8. Indicate the list of items to be checked in the A check (daily and weekly) of Cummins engines. 9. (a) Describe various components of a tamping bank in CSM and give the magnitude of pressures to be maintained in various cylinders. (b) Describe the values of tamping depth, squeezing pressure and squeezing time during tamping 10. Describe various components of excavation, conveyance and distribution of ballast in BCM ? 11 What are the emergency spares to be available with BCM machine ? 12.(a) What are the precautions to be taken while switching on and switching off a turbo charged diesel engine ? (b) What are the functions of self starter and alternator installed in track machines ? What is the capacity of battery in Ampere-hours provided in BCM and FRM ? 13. Describe various transducers used in Unimat and explain their function and indicate their calibrated voltages/mm. 14 Explain the procedure of 4 point lining in a curve with the help of a neat sketch, using CSM. Also mention whether it is advisable to deploy CSM with 4 point lining in a straight line and why ? 15. Indicate the list of items to be checked in the daily schedule of BCM. 16. List out various hydraulic pumps mounted on CSM and their specific functions ? Also indicate the type of pump against each. 17.(a) What are the amenities to be available in a camping coach as per RDSO drawing. (b) Explain the design mode of tamping. 18. How the power is transmitted from Engine No.1 and Engine No.2 of BCM to various actuators ? Explain the emergency procedure to be adopted when Engine No.1 alone stops and Engine No.2 alone stops, to clear the block ? 19. What are the various types of crossings used in a Turnout ? What are the factors affecting speed over Turnouts ? 20.(a) Describe briefly the procedure of deep screening by BCM ? (b) List out the various pre-tamping and post-tamping operations for a CSM machine ? 21. What is a turbo charger and explain its function ? What practice should be adopted to shut down a turbo charged engine ? 22.(a) Describe briefly the entire procedure for procurement of a non-stock item starting from placement of demand to passage of bills ? (b) List out the activities of Zonal Track Machine Depot at Rayanapadu. 23.(a) What are the various operations to be carried out before tamping and during tamping of a turnout with Unimat. (b) Describe what safety measures you are going to adopt to protect the Track machines when stabled on a running L/C. 24. Describe in detail the various schedules to be done for BCM with details of spares to be changed, covering engine, Hydraulic system, Pneumatic system. 25. Write a short notes on the following. 1. Geometric Value Assessment (GVA) 2. 3 Point Lining System 3. Oil seals 4. Caution Order 5. Solenoid Valve 26.Write a short notes on the following. 1.Satellite Unit of CSM 2. Reconditioning of Tamping tools 3. Turbocharger. 4. Servo valve. 5. 4 - point lining. 27. Write a short notes on the following. 1. P.T pump. 2. Radial seals. 3. Pump-motor combination. 4. Alternator 5. Self starter. 28. Write a short notes on the following. 1. Detonator 2. Hydraulic Oil 3. D.C value 4. ZF gear box 5. Carbide tip tamping tools. 29. Write a short notes on the following. 1.EK 813SV 2. Daily checks before starting an engine. 3. Hook transducer. 4. Variable pump in CSM. 5. SUN engine. 30. Distinguish between the following. 1. Smoothening mode and design mode. 2. PQRS portal crane and T-28 Ameca crane 3. Distant signal and home signal. 4. Socket head cap screw and Hexagonal head bolt. 5. Driver of engine and operator of Track Machine. 31.Distinguish between the following : 1 BCM and BRM. 2 CSM and Duomatic machine. 3 General lift and designed lift. 4 Major penalties and Minor penalties 5 DMTR and Ledger 32.Write Hindi equivalent for the following. (a) Sanctioned. (b) File. (c) Matter urgent. (d) Await reply. (e) Discuss please. (f) Ask for clarification. (g) Fix up responsibility. (h) Put up for approval please. (i) Check up please. (j) Issue as corrected please. 33. Write Hindi equivalent for the following : (a) Discuss (b) Division (c) Track Machine\ (d) Note (e) Casual Leave (f) Urgent (g) Grant (h) Dearness Allowance (i) Traveling Allowance (j) House Rent Allowance 34. (a) Decision (b) Indefinite (c) Dispute (d) Consistent (e) Disobedient (f) Sympathy (g) Qualification (h) Crowbar (i) Forge (j) Sieve 35 What are the main functions of a tamping machine like Duomat, Unimat and CSM etc ? 36 What are the maintenance schedules for the tamping machines and explain in detail, when and where the schedules to be attended ? 37 What are the guide lines issued by the RDSO for the 250/300 hrs schedules for tamping machines ? 38 Draw the hydraulic circuit diagram for the tamping system of CSM and explain their functions? 39 Draw the electrical circuit diagram for the tamping system and explain ? 40 Draw the electrical circuit diagram for the lining system and explain ? 41 Draw the electrical circuit diagram for the levelling system and explain ? 42 Explain the Zero setting processor for a tamping machine for the tamping, lining, leveling, squeezing and also driving system ? 43 Explain how to set the depth control for the tamping tools ? 44 Explain how to set the movement of the satellite unit for CSM ? 45 Explain how to set the various hydraulic pressures in the tamping machine ? 46 Explain the front tower operation of the tamping machine for lining & leveling systems for normal, automatic mode and design mode along with the details of markings by the PWI ? 47 Explain how the lining & leveling readings are prepared by the PWI and marked on the track at various locations by the PWI in advance for machine working in design mode? 48 Explain in detail about 50 hrs schedule of diesel engines installed on tamping machines ? 49 Explain in detail about daily schedules to be attended for the diesel engine along with the battery, self starter and alternator for preventing failures? 50 Explain 300 hrs schedule for Cummins make engine and 125 hrs schedule for MWM and Deutz make engines and compare advantages and disadvantages ? 51 What is the function of Hydraulic accumulator provided in a tamping machines along with number of accumulators and their capacities ? 52 What are the functions of hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor and cylinders, valves and precautions to be taken for their smooth function ? 53 What are the main pre-tamping and post-tamping works for a tamping machine and their advantages and repercussions on the machine if they are not attended ? 54 What are the Hydraulic & pneumatic spares to be kept with the machine during the block and in the coach? 55 Explain the procedure for changing satellite axle at site ? 56 Explain the procedure for changing the tamping units at site ? 57 Explain the process for changing a female squeezing cylinder complete assembly at site on a tamping unit ? 58 Explain how to calculate the unit cost for a tamping machines and what are the various heads of expenditure constituting unit cost ? 59 What are the different oils used in a tamping machines along with their filters with part numbers and capacity? 60 What are the various failures that come-across for the tamping machines and their remedies? 61 Explain the function of laser system in 3X machine? 62 Explain the function of ALC working in CSM and Duomatic machines? 63 Explain in detail about various hydraulic pumps used in the hydraulic circuit of BCM and their rated operating pressures ? 64 What are the sizes of various screens used on BCM and their periodicity of replacement ? 65 What are the various sizes of conveyor belts used on BCM along with their dimensions and operating hydraulic pressures ? 66 Explain cutter bar inserting pit with precautions for connecting the RHS & LHS L boards with neat sketch ? 67 Explain the various maintenance failures of BCM in the block section and their remedies ? 68 What are the machine weightages of various Track Machines as per IRTMM and calculate the staff requirement for field of operation of CSM and BCM ? 69. Explain in detail the functions of BCM along with the pre and post block operations of Deep Screening by BCM ? 70. Explain the details of the various hydraulic pumps used in the hydraulic circuit of FRM and their rated operating pressures ? 71. What are the sizes of various screens used on FRM and their periodicity of replacement ? 72. What are the various sizes of conveyor belts used on FRM along with their dimensions and operating hydraulic pressures ? 73. Explain the various maintenance failures of FRM in the block section and their remedies ? 74. What are the main functions of BRM and its main components ? 75. Explain various hydraulic components used on BRM along with details of working pressures ? 76. What are various hydraulic components used on 9 ton PQRS crane and their working hydraulic pressure ? 77. Explain mechanized relaying of PSC panels with PQRS crane of 9 ton capacity in a pushing block right from assembling of panels to clearing the block ? 78. Explain mechanized relaying of PSC panels with PQRS crane of 9 ton capacity in a pulling block right from assembling of panels to clearing the block? 79. Explain in detail pre & post block operations of laying 1 in 12 fan shaped Lay-out with PRC T- 28 Cranes ? 80.Describe the precautions to be observed while laying turn outs using PRC T-28 cranes? 81.What is the principle of working of Dynamic Track Stabilizer along with the hydraulic components and their working pressures ? 82. What is a Utility Vehicle and what are its various components? |

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