Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh Online
Please find below ONGC Exam Paper-2010 for Electronics Engineer
***************Year 2010-ELectronics Papers*********
G.K. questions were
1. Bear lake is in which country?
2. River cutting tropic of Capricorn twice.
3. Author of NEEL DARPAN
4. Chairman of Congress when Surat split 1907 held.
5. Min age defined for the judge of Supreme Court.
6. Most sweet naturally occuring sugar.
7. Which vitamin deficiency cause pallegra?
8. Fundamental rights were first raised in the which summit of INC
9. President submits his resignation to whom?
10. Tipaimukh DAM is in which state?
11. Krishna River originates from which part
12. Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is in which state
13.Name the State with highest decay in population growth rate?
14. Sex ratio of India as per latest census
15. MANSABDARI system was introduced by which Mughal emperor?
16. Which championship was won by Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi?
17. Which two cities connected by NH-15 join?
18. National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year?
19. Which is the Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE?
20. Moplah Rebellion occurred in 1921 in which part of the country?[options were a)coromandal coast b)malabar coast c)Punjab]
21. Who is the Political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi?
22. 2010 FIFA world cup will held in which country?
23. Who is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister?
24. In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats?
25. First Pvt. Company being provided CISF security?
26. Indian Space Application Center is located in which city?
27 .When sun is nearest to earth it is called?
28. Which two countries did KONKAN naval task?
29. Who started ‘All India Untouchibilty Abolishment Program’?
30. In which city first Buddhist council held?
31. Who got Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavna award in 2010?
32. Which among of them are types of RBC’s?
33. In which country 16-COP submit will going to be held?
34. In which city National Environmental Engineering Research institute was first opened?
35. Place emerges as new mobile hub in India?
36. Name the instrument use to measure blood pressure?
37. Arihant was the first submarine built by India. What is its capacity?
38. Teacher’s day is celebrated in the honour of which person?
39. Child labour prevention act is in which article?
40. Who is the new head of International Institute of Educational planning?
Descriptive in g.k.
1. Explain ‘Unity in diversity’ in India
2. Impact of globalization on rural economy.
1. Bear lake--canada
2. river cutting tropic of capricorn----limpopo
3. Author of NEEL DARPAN----Desh Bandhu Mitra
4. Chairman of congress during split of INC into extremist and moderate(popularly known as Surat split)---Ras Behari Ghosh
5. No min age defined for the judge of supreme court.
6. Most sweet naturally occuring sugar is -----FRUCTOSE
7. Pellagra is due to deficiency of Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
8. Fundamental rights were first raised in the KARACHI SUMMIT of INC
9. President submits his resignation to VICE PRESIDENT
10. Tipaimukh DAM----MANIPUR
11. Krishna River emerges from ----MAHABALESHWAR
12. Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is at------Karnataka
13. State with highest decay in population growth rate---ANDHRA PRADESH
14. Sex ratio of India---933
16. Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi has won----Parsvnath Commonwealth Chess Championships
17. NH_15------Pathankot to Jaiselmer---Kandla( Gujarat
18. National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by the year---2022
19. Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE------DHUPGARH
20. Moplah Rebels------MALABAR COAST
21. Political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi------Gopal Krishna Gokhale
22. 2010 FIFA world cup-----Brazil
23. Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister--- C N R Rao
24. In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats----SIKKIM
25. First Pvt company being provided CISF security------INFOSYS
26. Indian Space appliocation center located at --------AHMEDABAD
1.Effect of Globalization on the rural economy
2.Explain "unity in diversity" in India
General question
Dieses of pellagra due to which reason?
Red blood cell is having ?
NH-15 is connect whict to city ?
2010 FIFA world cup held in which country
Children should be sent to school they should not permit to work. This comes under which ARTICLE ?
President should submit his resignation towhom ?
Mahatma Gandhi used to take advices from ?
Who is the president of INC during split of congress in session of 1907?
First company to have CISF SECURITY
first buddist council held in ?
National Environment Engineering" Institute is located in?
Highest peak in the sathpura range?
Who introduce the Mansabdari SYSTEM
1. Modulation index increased from 0 to 1 . Transmitted power now ?
2. Deemphasis is used because
3. In FM, maximum deviation at what point of modulating signal
4. Voltage gain of emitter follower : <=1 , =1 , >=1 , cannot say
5. CRO uses which method of focussing
6. Slew Rate unit
7. Positive Feedback is same as : degeneration , regeneration
8. Integrator is : LPF , HPF
9. Lowest Efficiency in Power amplifier : A , B , AB , C
10. When PLL is used as frequency multiplier, O/P is taken from
11. Ideal OP Amp – Input Impedance = ? Output Impedance = ? , Voltage Gain = ?
12. IC 555 uses how many Flip Flop combination
13. PF of inductive circuit : 0 , 1
14. Unit of magnetic flux
15. 2 heater 1000W, 250V connected in series in 250V , 50Hz ac mains. Power drawn =?
16. 100 batteries , 9V each in parallel combination, Voltage across combination ?
17. HTTP = stateful/stateless protocol ?
18. IP address starts with binary address 110 it is class : A , B , C , D
19. Layer responsible for delivery of packet from node to node
20. ADSL behaviour : upload and download which is more or less ?
21. Damping factor = 1 : underdamped , critically damped , overdamped
22. Difference between controlled variable and desired value of process control system
23. Why differentiator is not part of control system : Increases input noise , increases error , reduces gain, reduces damping
24. Definitiuon of Transfer Fn
25. Identical Telephone no. under different exchanges are distinguished by : Modulation indices , language digit , access digit , area code
26. Which is analog : DCM , DM , DPCM , PWM
27. Carrier synchronization not needed in : BPSK , DPSK , QPSK , QAM
28. Common ckt in Freq Hopp Spread Spectrum and Direct Seq Spread Spectrum : correlator , Freq Synthesizer , Sweep Generator , Pseudo Random Noise Code Generator
29. Bit Rate _ Baud Rate ? : > , < , = 30. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ? 31. Asynchronous data transfer : start stop as mark and space 32. f = 10 kHz sampled at Nyquist rate time int B/W 2 success samples ? 33. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0 34. Dynamic memory cell store data in : register , capacitor 35. +0.5 V in TTL logic is : high , low , undefined , high impedance 36. Convert BCD 0001 0111 to binary 37. Resolution of 6 bit DAC 38. 5th clock of johnson counter gives o/p = 0111 , 6th clock gives o/p = ? 39. Lissajous figure are eant for measuring : R , V , I , f 40. Unit of Voltage Sensitivity : Ohm/V , V/Ohm , Ohm V , V 41. Volts / div on CRO changes : gain in vertical / sec , : gain in horizontal / sec , freq of timebase , freq of trigger 42. Measurement of Q is based on principle of : Resonance , Mutual Inductance , Piezoelectric Effect , Peltier Effect 43. Laser light is brighter because : Pure , Coherent , White , Monochromatic 44. Contents of Instruction Poointer Specify 45. Waveguide has cut of freq = 17KHz . Which freq will not pass by waveguide : 15 Khz, 22 Khz 46. 1 nepar = _ db 47. Transmission length < (lambda/4) in short ckt behaves as 48. Holding ckt in SCR 49. Centre tapped transformer in single phase cycloconeuses : 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 SCR 50. Maximum height of satellite : Apogee , Perigee 51. Satellite stays in orbit because : Satellite wt. + speed , gravitational pull + inertia , centripetal force +speed , satellite wt +pull of sun and moon 52. FET depends on controlling current through SC change : 1 polarity , 2 polarity , 4 , 8 polarity 53. Beta : Current gain in CC Mode , Current gain in CE Mode, Voltage gain in CC Mode, , Voltage gain in CE Mode 54. Flash Analog To Digital of each comparator is connected to : decoder , priority encoder , MUX , Demux 55. To serially shift a nibble of data in shift register there must be clock pulses : 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 clock pulse for each data 56. Mod 10 counter uses Flip flop : 10 , 4 , 2 , 8 57. Which family IC have better noise immunity : TTL , ECL , CMOS , DTL 58. Address required for 4096 bit memory arranged in 512 X 8 memory 59. When 8 bits serial in / out shift reg. I sused for 20 (mew)sec time delay. Find clock frequency 60. Conversion time of 6 bit successive approximation type ADC : 32 , 64 , 6 , 1/6 usec 61. Wein Bridge is used to measure : f , L , R , C 62. Fibre optic cable best for high speed data transfer : single mode step index , multiple mode step index , single mode graded index , multiple mode graded index 63. Microcontroller includes : CPU + Memory + I/O + Clock Generator , CPU + Memory + I/O , CPU + I/O 64. Fetch cycle is : 1st part of instruction cycle , 65. Flag to manipulate movement of string : parity , zero , direction , inter 66. Microwave signal propagates by way of : direct , surface , sky , standing wave 67. Makes equivalent current generator in circuit analysis : Norton , Thevenin , Maxm. Power Transfer , Superposition 68. When HPF and LPF section are connected in // it as Band reject filter with : fl > fh , fl = fh , fl < fh 69. When peak transmitted power of a radar is increased by a factor of 16 , maxm range increases by a factor : 2 , 4, 8, 16 70. Tunnel diode : is a point contact diode with high reverse resistance, is highly doped pn junction diode 71. Arrow head of transistor symbol indicates : (drift / diffusion of electron/hole) 72. TRAPATT 73. Currently nearly equal : Ic Ie , Ib Ie , Ic Ib , Ib Ic Ie 74. Aspect ratio : raster width + height , Horizontal scanning frequency + Vertical Scanning frequency. Subjective : Suggest a circuit and then prove : V0 = /(V1) + /(V2) + /(V3) where /=integral, and prove it Soln : Use summer in integrator Solve a Karnaugh map **************************************************************** KONKAN coastal line is held b/n? Author of "Neel Darpan" which river cut the tropical of cancer twice orange and some options where will next climate summit will take place Mexico Canada Nigeria Bear lake is in which country? Tipaimukh DAM is in which state? Krishna River originates from which part Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is in which state Name the State with highest decay in population growth rate? Sex ratio of India as per latest census Which championship was won by Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi? National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year? Which is the Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE? Moplah Rebellion occurred in 1921 in which part of the country?[options were a)coromandal coast b)malabar coast c)Punjab] Who is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister? In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats? 2 Domain (electronics) question : 1.k-map equation related proved that . 2. Design of a analog circuit which have output as V=∫V1dt+ ∫V2dt+∫V3dt Domain questions : 1.aspect ratio in TV is width to height. 2. Adsl download rate is high compare to upload. 3.110 is class C in IP address. 4. if sun near to earth it is called ? 5.what is indicted the arrow head in transistor ? 6. if 100 battery of 9 volt is connect in parallel the what is output voltage ? 7.question related to satellite orbit 8.pcm,dm.dpcm technique 9.thyresistor 10. Carrier SYNCHRONIZATION not needed in QPSK,PSK,FSK? 11.CRO AND SCR 12.LIJJAJOUS pattern 13.laser is produce white light due to ? 14.wein bridge is use to measure of frequency. 15.radar system is using multiple of 16 then what is the multiplier a)2 b)4 c)8 d)16 16.x= ab +b�c is having how many how 0�s in the truth table? 17.1 nepar=_ db 18. resolution of 6 bit is ? 19. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0. 20.slew rate 21.fetch cycle 22.voltmeter sensitivity is measure in ? 23.microcontroller is having? 24.pointer 25.tunnel diode 26.BCD to binary converter 27.baud rate and bit rate which is grater ? 28.ideal op amp is having _i/p , _o/p , _bandwidth ? 29.IC 555 timer is having how many flip flop and comparator 31. Modulation index increased from 0 to 1 . Transmitted power now ? 32. De-emphasis is used because 33. Voltage gain of emitter follower : <=1 , =1 , >=1 , cannot say
34. CRO uses which method of focusing
35. Positive Feedback is same as : degeneration , regeneration
36. Lowest Efficiency in Power AMPLIFIER IS CLASS A , B , AB , C ?
37. 2 heater 1000W, 250V connected in series in 250V , 50HZ AC mains. Power drawn =?
38. HTTP = stateful/stateless protocol ?
39.which Layer responsible for delivery of packet from node to node ?
40. Difference between controlled variable and desired value of process control system
41. Why differentiator is not part of control system : Increases input noise , increases error , reduces gain, reduces damping
42 Which is analog : DCM , DM , DPCM , PWM
43. Identical Telephone no. under different exchanges are distinguished by : Modulation indices , language digit , access digit , area code
44. Common ckt in Freq Hopp Spread Spectrum and Direct Seq Spread Spectrum : correlator , Freq Synthesizer , Sweep Generator , Pseudo Random Noise Code Generator
45. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?
46. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?
47. f = 10 kHz sampled at Nyquist rate time int B/W 2 success samples ?
48. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0
49. Dynamic memory cell store data in : register , capacitor
50. +0.5 V in TTL logic is : high , low , undefined , high impedance
51. 5th clock of johnson counter gives o/p = 0111 , 6th clock gives o/p = ?
52. Volts / div on CRO changes : gain in vertical / sec , : gain in horizontal / sec , freq of timebase , freq of trigger
53. . Measurement of Q is based on principle of : Resonance , Mutual Inductance , Piezoelectric Effect , Peltier Effect
54. Laser light is brighter because : Pure , Coherent , White , Monochromatic
55 Centre tapped transformer in single phase cycloconeuses : 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 SCR
56. . Maximum height of satellite : Apogee , Perigee
57. Satellite stays in orbit because : Satellite wt. + speed , gravitational pull + inertia , centripetal force +speed , satellite wt +pull of sun and moon
58. FET depends on controlling current through SC change : 1 polarity , 2 polarity , 4 , 8 polarity
59. Beta : Current gain in CC Mode , Current gain in CE Mode, Voltage gain in CC Mode, , Voltage gain in CE Mode
60. Flash Analog To Digital of each comparator is connected to : decoder , priority encoder , MUX , Demux
61. To serially shift a nibble of data in shift register there must be clock pulses : 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 clock pulse for each data
62. Mod 10 counter uses Flip flop : 10 , 4 , 2 , 8
63. Which family IC have better noise immunity : TTL , ECL , CMOS , DTL
64. Address required for 4096 bit memory arranged in 512 X 8 memory
65. When 8 bits serial in / out shift reg. I sused for 20 (mew)sec time delay. Find clock frequency
66. Conversion time of 6 bit successive approximation type ADC : 32 , 64 , 6 , 1/6 usec
67. Fibre optic cable best for high speed data transfer : single mode step index , multiple mode step index , single mode graded index , multiple mode graded index
68. Microcontroller includes : CPU + Memory + I/O + Clock Generator , CPU + Memory + I/O , CPU + I/O
69. Flag to manipulate movement of string : parity , zero , direction , inter
70. . Microwave signal propagates by way of : direct , surface , sky , standing wave
71. Makes equivalent current generator in circuit analysis : Norton , Thevenin , Maxm. Power Transfer , Superposition
72. When HPF and LPF section are connected in // it as Band reject filter with : fl > fh , fl = fh , fl < fh 73. When peak transmitted power of a radar is increased by a factor of 16 , maxm range increases by a factor : 2 , 4, 8, 16 ************************************* 1.If a president has to resign, he should give his application to? 2.which river cut the tropical of cancer twice? 3.Mansabdari system introduced by? 4.chairman of national comission for farmer? 5.which Indian organization first obtained cisf securtiy certificate? 6.who is the guru of mahatama gandhi? 7.where will next climate summit(cop 16) will take place? 8.Highest peak in the sathpura range? 9.KONKAN coastalline is held b/n? 10.Author of "Neel Darpan"? 11."Child labour is crime" which article? 12.first buddist council held in? 13."National Environment Engineering" Institute is located in? 14.where is Bear lake? 15.Chairman of congress during split of INC into extremist and moderate(popularly known as Surat split)? 16.min age defined for the judge of supreme court? 17.Most sweet naturally occuring sugar is? 18. Pellagra is due to deficiency of which Vitamin? 19.Fundamental rights were first raised in which city? 20.Tipaimukh DAM situated at? 21.Krishna River emerges from? 22.Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is at? 23.State with highest decay in population growth rate in 2001 census? 24.Sex ratio of india in 2001 census? 25.Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi has won? 26.NH_15 b/w which cities? 27.National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year? 28.Moplah Rebels situated at? 29.2010 FIFA world cup held at?(only q to which i know d ans :) ) 30.Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister? 31.In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats? 32.Indian Space appliocation center located at? 33.What is another name of Red Blood Corpuscle? 34.Sun's highest distance from earth is called? 35.What is capacity of India's First Nuclear Submarine(Arihant)? & 5 more i dont remeber... Section2:(80 mins)(easy) it was very easy and consists ques from (no numericals) microprocessor,consumer electronics,electrical sciences(q on statements of KVL , KCL, n/w Theorems),analog comm(AM,FM),digital comm,Comp n/w,Microwave,Circuit n sys,digital cir n sys) (no ques from analog electronics,embedded sys,optical,VLSI,DSP,Signal sys,Control engg!!) Section 3:(subj 1 page each)(20 mins)(easy) 1.Unity in diversity & 2.impact of globalization on rural economy Section 4:(subj)(moderate) 1. design circuit satisfy eq (15mins+) v0=integration(v1 dt) + int(v2 dt) + int(v3 dt) 2. simple ques on karnaugh maps ( 5 mins) solve SOP( 4 variable) & verify result using boolean algebra... ********************************** 1. Where is the next climate summit COP going to take place? 2. Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi? 3. The new Jawaharlal Nehru Mega nuclear project is going to achieve 20000MW is to end in (2015,2022,2030..) 4. What is the origin of Krishna River 5. In which state Tapaimukh dam is going to be made? 6. Who was the leader of congress party in 1907, when extrimists and moderates were separated? 7. In which article it is mentioned that “No child of age less than 14 yrs should be employed”? 8. In which country, Football world cup is being held in 2010? 9. What is the minimum age limit for chief justice of India? 10. The president of India submits its resignation to whom? 11. In which country is bear lake 12. Moplah rebellion was started where? 13. Who wrote “Neel Darpan “while Indigo movement in India? 14. What is the sex ratio in India from the last census? 15. From the census 2001, in which state has there been minimum decadal growth of population ? 16. In which state latest election, all seats were won by a single party? 17. Deficiency of which vitamin leads to Pallegra ( Calciferol, Naicin, Retinol, Riboflavin) 18. Who is the head of UN watch dog , IAEA? (yukio Amano) 19. What is the power of nuclear reactor used in INS Arihant?(200W, 120 W, 80W,.) 20. KONKAN is a joint naval exercise between which two countries? 21. Who was the head of Army Tribunal meet which recently took place? 22. Where is the India’s first aerospace SEZ being formed? 23. Who leads the scientific advisory team of Prime Minister? 24. Which is the highest peak in Satpura range? 25. Which river cuts the tropic of Capricorn twice? 26. In which session was fundamental rights resolution passed? (Lahore, Karachi, Calcutta) 27. Where in India is National environmental institute located? 28. Where is SAC institute located? 29. NH 15 connects which two cities? 30. Who started Mansabdari system ( akbar, Jahangir,…) 31. Where was first Buddhist council held in India? 32. When the earth is at largest distance from the sun, what is that distance called?( apogee, perigee, apehilion,perihelion) 33. What keeps the satellite balanced while rotating in the orbit? (centripetal force and its inertia, gravitational force and inertia….) 34. Which is the sweetest sugar? ( sucrose, maltose, fructose, glucose) 35. What is the highest position of a satellite called when it is in an elliptical orbit? ( zenith, apex,..) 36. Rajiv Gandhi sadbhavna Award 2009 (Gautam BHAI) 37. Parmirajan won which trophy ( he is related to Chess, youngest Indian) 38. What is biological name of red blood cell? Technical- 80 1. What is the minimum BW required for a signal rate of 56 KbpS. 2. A parallel connection of LPF and HPF will act as a band reject filter under what conditions? 3. The measurement of Q factor is based on (resonance) 4. The expression AB + B’C will have ______ zeros in its output table. 5. In which type of modulation , no synchronization of carrier is required(BPSK, QPSK, DPSK, QAM) 6. In PLL, from which instrument do we take the output (LPF, encoder….) 7. Demphasis is used when (after modulation, to attenuate the low frequency signals…) 8. Which one is analog ( PWM, PCM, ..) 9. What is the resolution of 6-bit ADC.( in %) 10. In flash ADC, which element gets the output of the source voltage output value? ( Priority encoder, LPF) 11. Given the value 100001 in the fifth pulse of ripple counter, what would be value in 6th pulse. 12. Given a code in BCD, convert it into binary. 13. For a 6 bit SAR DAC (successive..) , the time taken to convert the signal if frequency is 1MHz ( 6 µsec,..1/6 µsec,..) 14. We don’t use a differentiator in a control system ,why? ( it reduces gain, it reduces damping, it adds error) 15. A S.C transmission line of length less than λ/4, acts as a ( parallel LC circuit, series LC circuit, A pure inductor, a pure capacitor) 16. Which amplifier has least efficiency?( Class A , B, C, D) 17. If the µ is changed from 0 to 1 in AM, what is the change in transmitted power( doubles, increases by 50%.) 18. If the transmitted power is increased by a factor of 16, what is the change in range. 19. An integrator is ( LPF, BPF, bandpass.. bandstop) 20. If an IP address starts with 110.. in which class will it be considered( Class A, B, C, D) 21. HTTP is a ____________ protocol( connection oriented, stateless, stateful,…) 22. When A SCR is in forward biased , then ( all 3 junctions are reverse biased, 1 is R.B, 2 F.B,….) 23. What is β ( Ie/Ic… Ic/Ie…) 24. What is fan-out expressed in terms of (voltage gain, current gain, unit load terms…) 25. Which two currents are of similar values.( Ie and Ic……, Ic and Ib…) 26. Voltage gain of an emitter follower is ( more than unity ..,less than or equal to unity…) 27. In order to protect the SCR out of increased di/dt, which circuit is utilized (an inductor in series, a RC in parallel, a circuit breaker) 28. What is holding current?(minimum current at which the SCR comes from off to On) 29. Slew rate is expressed in terms of ( V/µs, µV/s,….) 30. What is the sensitivity of a voltmeter in terms of (volts/ohm, ohm/volt,volts..) 31. How many SCRs are required for a centre tapped 1-ph cycloconvertor? 32. A 555 timer has how many comparators and FFs? 33. In an FET, the output changes with the gate voltage having polarity ( unity. Two, 3….) 34. Two bulbs of 1000W/250 v are connected in series with a 250V voltage source, what would be the resultant power. 35. 100 bulbs of 9V are connected in parallel, what is the voltage across each bulb? 36. Which theorem suggests a current generator (superposition, thevinin, Norton..) 37. An ideal OPAMP characteristics.. like Ri, Ro…Av.. 38. An ADSL technology came with a view that users ( upload more than download, equal upload and download……) 39. A µwave signal propagates as a ( direct wave, surface wave,sky wave…) 40. In CRO, the focusing done is (electronic, electrostatic, electromagnetic…) 41. Which flag controls the movement of strings ( parity, direction,….) 42. What does instruction pointer do ( points to which address….) 43. How many FF required to make mod-10 counter. 44. A 4096 bytes memory is required to buit by using 512 * 8 memory chips , how many address lines required. 45. In a dynamic memory cell, the information is stored in ( capacitor, FF,….) 46. Tunnel diode is a (highly doped PN jn… a p-type….) 47. The difference b/w controlled signal and desired o/p is called ( error signal, actuated signal….) 48. Transfer function is ( L.T of output to i/p) 49. In spread-spectrum, frequency hopping and direct sequence techniques, what is common ( frequency shifting, pseudo random noise generator…) 50. A LASER light is very bright because ( it is coherent, monochromatic….) 51. What is aspect ratio? 52. What is lissagious figures used to find? 53. If in CRO, voltage/division is changed, what is the change implied to? 54. Positive feedback is same as ( regenerative feedback) 55. Given a capacitor and it’s charge and voltage. Find the capacitance value. 56. TO make a basic comparator, which gate is employed ( AND, NOR, NAND, XNOR) 57. Given a series of binary numbers, to find the correct parity bit, if odd parity is required. 58. Which has highest noise immunity ( ECL, TTL, CMOS, DTL) 59. If 0.5v is given as an input to a TTL IC , then it is considered as (LOW, HIGH, undefined, high impedance) 60. Wein bridge is used for what measurement? 61. Unit of magnetic flux. 62. The current in a forward biased pn jn is due to ? 63. Full form of TRAPATT diode. 64. Fetch operation in a instruction cycle is (1st m/c cycle, 2nd, 3rd,) Subjective type 121. Write on “Unity in Diversity” in India. 122. What is the impact of globalization on rural economy. 123. It is required to find V= ∫v1 dt + ∫v2 dt + ∫v3 dt . Draw a circuit to realize it and then prove the realization. 124. Given a 4-variable expression. Find the minimized exp using K-Map and then prove the result using Boolean algebra ***************************************** GENERAL AWARENESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS 1. India has signed an agreement to procure Advanced Jet Trainer (Hawk) from which of the following countries ? (a) USA (b) UK (c) France (d) Russia Ans: ( b ) UK 2. The United States has granted the status of ?major non-NATO ally? to which of the following countries recently ? (a) Pakistan (b) India (c) Afghanistan (d) Myanmar Ans: ( a ) Pakistan 3. Who among the following persons bought the sword of Tipu Sultan in London and brought it back to India ? (a) Ratan Tata (b) Mukesh Ambani (c) Vijay Mallya (d) Aditya Birla Ans: ( c ) Vijay Mallya 4. Which of the following companies became India?s first listed IT firm to have crossed $1 billion turnover ? (a) Satyam (b) HCL (c) Wipro (d) Infosys Technologies Ans: ( d ) Infosys Technologies 5. Who among the following women has become the highest individual scorer in an innings in Tests ? (a) Mithali Raj (b) Kiran Baloch (c) Diana Eduljee (d) None of these Ans: ( b ) Kiran Baloch 6. Who is the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka ? (a) Chandrika Kumaratunga (b) Ranil Wickremesinghe (c) Mahinda Rajapakse (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Mahinda Rajapakse 7. Hamas is a militant organization fighting against which of the following countries ? (a) Sudan (b) Israel (c) Brazil (d) Syria Ans: ( b ) Israel 8. Who among the following has become the first Indian to score a triple century in Tests ? (a) Rahul Dravid (b) Sachin Tendulkar (c) V.V.S. Laxman (d) Virender Sehwag Ans: ( d ) Virender Sehwag 9. Who among the following has won the Femina Miss India Universe 2004 title ? (a) Lakshmi Pandit (b) Sayali Bhagat (c) Tanushree Dutta (d) Jyoti Brahmin Ans: ( c ) Tanushree Dutta 10. The 9th South Asian Federation Games were held recently in which of the following cities ? (a) Islamabad (b) Hyderabad (c) Kathmandu (d) Colombo Ans: ( a ) Islamabad 11. Which of the following parts of the poppy plant is used for the extraction of opium ? (a) Capsules (b) Flowers (c) Leaves (d) Roots Ans: ( b ) Flowers 12. Who is the Chairman of the Twelfth Finance Commission ? (a) C. Rangarajan (b) N. N. Vohra (c) Bimal Jalan (d) Vijay Kelkar Ans: ( a ) C. Rangarajan 13. The first feature film (talkie) produced in India was (a) Hatimtai (b) Alamm Ara (c) Pundalik (d) Raja Harishchandra Ans: ( b ) Alamm Ara 14. During the Indian freedom struggle, ?The Deccan Educational Society? was founded by (a) B.G. Tilak (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) G.K. Gokhale (d) M.G. Ranade Ans: ( d ) M.G. Ranade 15. A ?black hole? is a body in space which does not allow any radiation to come out. This property is due to its (a) Very small size (b) Very large size (c) Very high density (d) Very low density Ans: ( c ) Very high density 16. The ?Chilka Lake region? lies in between the deltas of (a) Ganga and Mahanadi (b) Godavari and Krishna (c) Mahanadi and Godavari (d) Krishna and Kaveri Ans: ( c ) Mahanadi and Godavari 17. The 44th Amendment of the Indian Constitution withdrew the Fundamental Right (a) To freedom of religion (b) To constitutional remedies (c) To property (d) Against exploitation Ans: ( c ) To property 18. The Legislative Council of a State in India can be abolished or created by (a) The President of India in consultation with the Council of Ministers of the State concerned (b) The Legislative Assembly of the State concerned (c) The Parliament at a joint sitting of both the Houses (d) The Parliament, provided the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect Ans: ( d ) The Parliament, provided the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect 19. At which stage in its life cycle does the silk work yield the fibre of commerce ? (a) Egg (b) Larva (c) Pupa (d) Imago Ans: ( c ) Pupa 20. Persons below the poverty line in India are classified as such based on whether (a) They are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket (b) They get work for a prescribed minimum number of days in a year (c) They belong to agricultural labourer household and the scheduled caste /tribe social group (d) Their daily wages fall below the prescribed minimum wages Ans: ( a ) They are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket 21. As per 1991 Census, which one of the following groups of Union Territories had the highest literacy rate ? (a) Chandigarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (b) Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar Islands (c) Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Pondicherry (d) Pondicherry and Delhi Ans: ( b ) Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar Islands 22. In order to win the Grand Slam in Tennis, a player must win which one of the following groups of tournaments ? (a) Australian Open, Wimbeldon, French Open, U.S. Open (b) Wimbledon, French Open, U.S. Open, Swedish Open (c) Wimbledon, French Open, Paegas Czec Open, U.S. Open (d) Davis Cup, Wimbledon, French Open, Australian Open Ans: ( a ) Australian Open, Wimbeldon, French Open, U.S. Open 23. ?Abhinava Bharat?, a secret society of revolutionaries, was organized by (a) Khudiram Bose (b) V.D. Savarkar (c) Prafulla Chaki (d) Bhagat Singh Ans: ( b ) V.D. Savarkar 24. Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of (a) Total internal reflection (b) Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Polarisation Ans: ( a ) Total internal reflection 25. Which one of the following lakes forms and international boundary between Tanzania and Uganda ? (a) Chad (b) Malawi (c) Victoria (d) Zambezi Ans: ( c ) Victoria 26. Who among the following has been appointed the National Security Adviser by the UPA Government ? (a) Brajesh Mishra (b) J. N. Daxit (c) Soli J. Sorabjee (d) T. K. A. Nair Ans: ( b ) J. N. Daxit 27. Who among the following is the new Chief Minister of Karnataka ? (a) S. M. Krishna (b) Uma Bharti (c) Dharam Singh (d) Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy Ans: ( c ) Dharam Singh 28. Who among the following has won the Miss Universe 2004 crown ? (a) Jennifer Hawkins (b) Shandi Finnessey (c) Alba Reyes (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) Jennifer Hawkins 29. A solemn ceremony to mark the 60th Anniversary of D-Day landings of the Allies troops during the Second World War, was held in (a) Pearl Harbour (b) Normandy (c) New York (d) Lisbon Ans: ( b ) Normandy 30. Which of the following cricketers holds the world record of maximum number of sixes in Tests ? (a) Chris Carins (New Zealand) (b) Viv Richards (West Indies) (c) Sachin Tendulkar (India) (d) Wasim Akram (Pakistan) Ans: ( a ) Chris Carins (New Zealand) 31. Who among the following has been appointed the new Chief Justice of India ? (a) Justice Rajendra Babu (b) Justice V. N. Khare (c) Justice R. C. Lahoti (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Justice R. C. Lahoti 32. Who among the following sports persons got the honour of lighting the Olympic flame at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in New Delhi recently ? (a) Anjali Bhagwat (b) Abhinav Bindra (c) Viswanathan Anand (d) K. M. Beenamol Ans: ( a ) Anjali Bhagwat 33. Who among the following has been appointed new chairman of the National Commission for Farmers ? (a) Ajit Singh (b) K. C. Pant (c) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan (d) Sharad Pawar Ans: ( c ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan 34. Which of the following planets crossed the face of the sun (in transit) after 122 years recently ? (a) Mars (b) Venus (c) Jupiter (d) Saturn Ans: ( b ) Venus 35. Which of the following countries was readmitted to the Commonwealth recently ? (a) Nepal (b) Myanmar (c) Pakistan (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Pakistan 36. The world governing body of which of the following sports celebrated its 100 years in existence recently ? (a) Football (b) Hockey (c) Badminton (d) Cricket Ans: ( a ) Football 37. Who among the following won the men?s singles title of the French Open 2004 ? (a) Guillermo Coria (b) Roger Federer (c) Andy Roddick (d) Gaston Gaudio Ans: ( d ) Gaston Gaudio 38. Who is India?s first Woman Grand Master in Chess ? (a) Aarthie Ramaswamy (b) Koneru Humpy (c) S. Meenakshi (d) S. Vijayalakshmi Ans: ( b ) Koneru Humpy 39. The age of a tree can be determined by (a) Measuring its height (b) Measuring its diameter (c) Analyzing its sap (d) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem Ans: ( d ) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem 40. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? Mountains Continents (a) The Rocky : North America (b) The Andes : South America (c) The Alps : Europe (d) The Ural : Africa Ans: ( d ) The Ural : Africa 41. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ? (a) ?Purna Swaraj? Resolution : 1929 (b) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931 (c) Formation of the Congress Socialist Party: 1939 (d) Simla Confeence : 1940 Ans: ( b ) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931 42. The Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period is at (a) Bhubaneswar (b) Khajuraho (c) Madurai (d) Mount Abu Ans: ( a ) Bhubaneswar 43. Which one of the following is essentially a solo dance ? (a) Kuchipudi (b) Kathak (c) Manipuri (d) Mohiniattam Ans: ( d ) Mohiniattam 44. The deepest oceanic trench ?Mariana? is located in (a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Arctic Ocean (c) Pacific Ocean (d) Indian Ocean Ans: ( c ) Pacific Ocean 45. Although fog consists of fine drops of water, we cannot see clearly through it because (a) The light rays undergo total internal reflection in the drops (b) Fine drops of water in fog polarize the light (c) The fine drops are opaque to the light (d) The drops scatter most of the light Ans: ( d ) The drops scatter most of the light 46. During the Mughal period, which one of the following were the first to come to India as traders ? (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) Danish (d) English Ans: ( a ) Portuguese 47. Who among the following Delhi Sultans is known for introducing market control mechanism ? (a) Iltutmish (b) Balban (c) Alauddin Khalji (d) Firoze Tughlaq Ans: ( c ) Alauddin Khalji 48. Which one of the following mountain peaks of the Himalayas is NOT in India ? (a) Annapurna (b) Nanda Devi (c) Mt. Kamet (d) Kanchenjunga Ans: ( a ) Annapurna 49. A rift valley is formed mainly due to (a) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust (b) The subsidence of the floor of a river valley (c) The valley formed after the formation of fold mountains (d) The deepening of a valley by ice action Ans: ( a ) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust 50. Who is the author of the book, ?The Man Who Divided India? ? (a) Arun Shourie (b) Dominique Lapierre (c) Rafiq Zakaria (d) Salman Rushdie Ans: ( c ) Rafiq Zakaria
***************Year 2010-ELectronics Papers*********
G.K. questions were
1. Bear lake is in which country?
2. River cutting tropic of Capricorn twice.
3. Author of NEEL DARPAN
4. Chairman of Congress when Surat split 1907 held.
5. Min age defined for the judge of Supreme Court.
6. Most sweet naturally occuring sugar.
7. Which vitamin deficiency cause pallegra?
8. Fundamental rights were first raised in the which summit of INC
9. President submits his resignation to whom?
10. Tipaimukh DAM is in which state?
11. Krishna River originates from which part
12. Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is in which state
13.Name the State with highest decay in population growth rate?
14. Sex ratio of India as per latest census
15. MANSABDARI system was introduced by which Mughal emperor?
16. Which championship was won by Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi?
17. Which two cities connected by NH-15 join?
18. National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year?
19. Which is the Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE?
20. Moplah Rebellion occurred in 1921 in which part of the country?[options were a)coromandal coast b)malabar coast c)Punjab]
21. Who is the Political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi?
22. 2010 FIFA world cup will held in which country?
23. Who is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister?
24. In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats?
25. First Pvt. Company being provided CISF security?
26. Indian Space Application Center is located in which city?
27 .When sun is nearest to earth it is called?
28. Which two countries did KONKAN naval task?
29. Who started ‘All India Untouchibilty Abolishment Program’?
30. In which city first Buddhist council held?
31. Who got Rajiv Gandhi Sadbhavna award in 2010?
32. Which among of them are types of RBC’s?
33. In which country 16-COP submit will going to be held?
34. In which city National Environmental Engineering Research institute was first opened?
35. Place emerges as new mobile hub in India?
36. Name the instrument use to measure blood pressure?
37. Arihant was the first submarine built by India. What is its capacity?
38. Teacher’s day is celebrated in the honour of which person?
39. Child labour prevention act is in which article?
40. Who is the new head of International Institute of Educational planning?
Descriptive in g.k.
1. Explain ‘Unity in diversity’ in India
2. Impact of globalization on rural economy.
1. Bear lake--canada
2. river cutting tropic of capricorn----limpopo
3. Author of NEEL DARPAN----Desh Bandhu Mitra
4. Chairman of congress during split of INC into extremist and moderate(popularly known as Surat split)---Ras Behari Ghosh
5. No min age defined for the judge of supreme court.
6. Most sweet naturally occuring sugar is -----FRUCTOSE
7. Pellagra is due to deficiency of Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
8. Fundamental rights were first raised in the KARACHI SUMMIT of INC
9. President submits his resignation to VICE PRESIDENT
10. Tipaimukh DAM----MANIPUR
11. Krishna River emerges from ----MAHABALESHWAR
12. Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is at------Karnataka
13. State with highest decay in population growth rate---ANDHRA PRADESH
14. Sex ratio of India---933
16. Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi has won----Parsvnath Commonwealth Chess Championships
17. NH_15------Pathankot to Jaiselmer---Kandla( Gujarat
18. National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by the year---2022
19. Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE------DHUPGARH
20. Moplah Rebels------MALABAR COAST
21. Political Guru of Mahatma Gandhi------Gopal Krishna Gokhale
22. 2010 FIFA world cup-----Brazil
23. Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister--- C N R Rao
24. In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats----SIKKIM
25. First Pvt company being provided CISF security------INFOSYS
26. Indian Space appliocation center located at --------AHMEDABAD
1.Effect of Globalization on the rural economy
2.Explain "unity in diversity" in India
General question
Dieses of pellagra due to which reason?
Red blood cell is having ?
NH-15 is connect whict to city ?
2010 FIFA world cup held in which country
Children should be sent to school they should not permit to work. This comes under which ARTICLE ?
President should submit his resignation towhom ?
Mahatma Gandhi used to take advices from ?
Who is the president of INC during split of congress in session of 1907?
First company to have CISF SECURITY
first buddist council held in ?
National Environment Engineering" Institute is located in?
Highest peak in the sathpura range?
Who introduce the Mansabdari SYSTEM
1. Modulation index increased from 0 to 1 . Transmitted power now ?
2. Deemphasis is used because
3. In FM, maximum deviation at what point of modulating signal
4. Voltage gain of emitter follower : <=1 , =1 , >=1 , cannot say
5. CRO uses which method of focussing
6. Slew Rate unit
7. Positive Feedback is same as : degeneration , regeneration
8. Integrator is : LPF , HPF
9. Lowest Efficiency in Power amplifier : A , B , AB , C
10. When PLL is used as frequency multiplier, O/P is taken from
11. Ideal OP Amp – Input Impedance = ? Output Impedance = ? , Voltage Gain = ?
12. IC 555 uses how many Flip Flop combination
13. PF of inductive circuit : 0 , 1
14. Unit of magnetic flux
15. 2 heater 1000W, 250V connected in series in 250V , 50Hz ac mains. Power drawn =?
16. 100 batteries , 9V each in parallel combination, Voltage across combination ?
17. HTTP = stateful/stateless protocol ?
18. IP address starts with binary address 110 it is class : A , B , C , D
19. Layer responsible for delivery of packet from node to node
20. ADSL behaviour : upload and download which is more or less ?
21. Damping factor = 1 : underdamped , critically damped , overdamped
22. Difference between controlled variable and desired value of process control system
23. Why differentiator is not part of control system : Increases input noise , increases error , reduces gain, reduces damping
24. Definitiuon of Transfer Fn
25. Identical Telephone no. under different exchanges are distinguished by : Modulation indices , language digit , access digit , area code
26. Which is analog : DCM , DM , DPCM , PWM
27. Carrier synchronization not needed in : BPSK , DPSK , QPSK , QAM
28. Common ckt in Freq Hopp Spread Spectrum and Direct Seq Spread Spectrum : correlator , Freq Synthesizer , Sweep Generator , Pseudo Random Noise Code Generator
29. Bit Rate _ Baud Rate ? : > , < , = 30. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ? 31. Asynchronous data transfer : start stop as mark and space 32. f = 10 kHz sampled at Nyquist rate time int B/W 2 success samples ? 33. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0 34. Dynamic memory cell store data in : register , capacitor 35. +0.5 V in TTL logic is : high , low , undefined , high impedance 36. Convert BCD 0001 0111 to binary 37. Resolution of 6 bit DAC 38. 5th clock of johnson counter gives o/p = 0111 , 6th clock gives o/p = ? 39. Lissajous figure are eant for measuring : R , V , I , f 40. Unit of Voltage Sensitivity : Ohm/V , V/Ohm , Ohm V , V 41. Volts / div on CRO changes : gain in vertical / sec , : gain in horizontal / sec , freq of timebase , freq of trigger 42. Measurement of Q is based on principle of : Resonance , Mutual Inductance , Piezoelectric Effect , Peltier Effect 43. Laser light is brighter because : Pure , Coherent , White , Monochromatic 44. Contents of Instruction Poointer Specify 45. Waveguide has cut of freq = 17KHz . Which freq will not pass by waveguide : 15 Khz, 22 Khz 46. 1 nepar = _ db 47. Transmission length < (lambda/4) in short ckt behaves as 48. Holding ckt in SCR 49. Centre tapped transformer in single phase cycloconeuses : 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 SCR 50. Maximum height of satellite : Apogee , Perigee 51. Satellite stays in orbit because : Satellite wt. + speed , gravitational pull + inertia , centripetal force +speed , satellite wt +pull of sun and moon 52. FET depends on controlling current through SC change : 1 polarity , 2 polarity , 4 , 8 polarity 53. Beta : Current gain in CC Mode , Current gain in CE Mode, Voltage gain in CC Mode, , Voltage gain in CE Mode 54. Flash Analog To Digital of each comparator is connected to : decoder , priority encoder , MUX , Demux 55. To serially shift a nibble of data in shift register there must be clock pulses : 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 clock pulse for each data 56. Mod 10 counter uses Flip flop : 10 , 4 , 2 , 8 57. Which family IC have better noise immunity : TTL , ECL , CMOS , DTL 58. Address required for 4096 bit memory arranged in 512 X 8 memory 59. When 8 bits serial in / out shift reg. I sused for 20 (mew)sec time delay. Find clock frequency 60. Conversion time of 6 bit successive approximation type ADC : 32 , 64 , 6 , 1/6 usec 61. Wein Bridge is used to measure : f , L , R , C 62. Fibre optic cable best for high speed data transfer : single mode step index , multiple mode step index , single mode graded index , multiple mode graded index 63. Microcontroller includes : CPU + Memory + I/O + Clock Generator , CPU + Memory + I/O , CPU + I/O 64. Fetch cycle is : 1st part of instruction cycle , 65. Flag to manipulate movement of string : parity , zero , direction , inter 66. Microwave signal propagates by way of : direct , surface , sky , standing wave 67. Makes equivalent current generator in circuit analysis : Norton , Thevenin , Maxm. Power Transfer , Superposition 68. When HPF and LPF section are connected in // it as Band reject filter with : fl > fh , fl = fh , fl < fh 69. When peak transmitted power of a radar is increased by a factor of 16 , maxm range increases by a factor : 2 , 4, 8, 16 70. Tunnel diode : is a point contact diode with high reverse resistance, is highly doped pn junction diode 71. Arrow head of transistor symbol indicates : (drift / diffusion of electron/hole) 72. TRAPATT 73. Currently nearly equal : Ic Ie , Ib Ie , Ic Ib , Ib Ic Ie 74. Aspect ratio : raster width + height , Horizontal scanning frequency + Vertical Scanning frequency. Subjective : Suggest a circuit and then prove : V0 = /(V1) + /(V2) + /(V3) where /=integral, and prove it Soln : Use summer in integrator Solve a Karnaugh map **************************************************************** KONKAN coastal line is held b/n? Author of "Neel Darpan" which river cut the tropical of cancer twice orange and some options where will next climate summit will take place Mexico Canada Nigeria Bear lake is in which country? Tipaimukh DAM is in which state? Krishna River originates from which part Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is in which state Name the State with highest decay in population growth rate? Sex ratio of India as per latest census Which championship was won by Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi? National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year? Which is the Highest Peak of SATPURA RANGE? Moplah Rebellion occurred in 1921 in which part of the country?[options were a)coromandal coast b)malabar coast c)Punjab] Who is the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister? In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats? 2 Domain (electronics) question : 1.k-map equation related proved that . 2. Design of a analog circuit which have output as V=∫V1dt+ ∫V2dt+∫V3dt Domain questions : 1.aspect ratio in TV is width to height. 2. Adsl download rate is high compare to upload. 3.110 is class C in IP address. 4. if sun near to earth it is called ? 5.what is indicted the arrow head in transistor ? 6. if 100 battery of 9 volt is connect in parallel the what is output voltage ? 7.question related to satellite orbit 8.pcm,dm.dpcm technique 9.thyresistor 10. Carrier SYNCHRONIZATION not needed in QPSK,PSK,FSK? 11.CRO AND SCR 12.LIJJAJOUS pattern 13.laser is produce white light due to ? 14.wein bridge is use to measure of frequency. 15.radar system is using multiple of 16 then what is the multiplier a)2 b)4 c)8 d)16 16.x= ab +b�c is having how many how 0�s in the truth table? 17.1 nepar=_ db 18. resolution of 6 bit is ? 19. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0. 20.slew rate 21.fetch cycle 22.voltmeter sensitivity is measure in ? 23.microcontroller is having? 24.pointer 25.tunnel diode 26.BCD to binary converter 27.baud rate and bit rate which is grater ? 28.ideal op amp is having _i/p , _o/p , _bandwidth ? 29.IC 555 timer is having how many flip flop and comparator 31. Modulation index increased from 0 to 1 . Transmitted power now ? 32. De-emphasis is used because 33. Voltage gain of emitter follower : <=1 , =1 , >=1 , cannot say
34. CRO uses which method of focusing
35. Positive Feedback is same as : degeneration , regeneration
36. Lowest Efficiency in Power AMPLIFIER IS CLASS A , B , AB , C ?
37. 2 heater 1000W, 250V connected in series in 250V , 50HZ AC mains. Power drawn =?
38. HTTP = stateful/stateless protocol ?
39.which Layer responsible for delivery of packet from node to node ?
40. Difference between controlled variable and desired value of process control system
41. Why differentiator is not part of control system : Increases input noise , increases error , reduces gain, reduces damping
42 Which is analog : DCM , DM , DPCM , PWM
43. Identical Telephone no. under different exchanges are distinguished by : Modulation indices , language digit , access digit , area code
44. Common ckt in Freq Hopp Spread Spectrum and Direct Seq Spread Spectrum : correlator , Freq Synthesizer , Sweep Generator , Pseudo Random Noise Code Generator
45. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?
46. Minimum Bwto transmit 56 kbps with no noise ?
47. f = 10 kHz sampled at Nyquist rate time int B/W 2 success samples ?
48. Find correct parity as odd parity : Rightmost bit as parity bit : 1111111 1 , 0011010 1 , 1100110 1 , 0000000 0
49. Dynamic memory cell store data in : register , capacitor
50. +0.5 V in TTL logic is : high , low , undefined , high impedance
51. 5th clock of johnson counter gives o/p = 0111 , 6th clock gives o/p = ?
52. Volts / div on CRO changes : gain in vertical / sec , : gain in horizontal / sec , freq of timebase , freq of trigger
53. . Measurement of Q is based on principle of : Resonance , Mutual Inductance , Piezoelectric Effect , Peltier Effect
54. Laser light is brighter because : Pure , Coherent , White , Monochromatic
55 Centre tapped transformer in single phase cycloconeuses : 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 SCR
56. . Maximum height of satellite : Apogee , Perigee
57. Satellite stays in orbit because : Satellite wt. + speed , gravitational pull + inertia , centripetal force +speed , satellite wt +pull of sun and moon
58. FET depends on controlling current through SC change : 1 polarity , 2 polarity , 4 , 8 polarity
59. Beta : Current gain in CC Mode , Current gain in CE Mode, Voltage gain in CC Mode, , Voltage gain in CE Mode
60. Flash Analog To Digital of each comparator is connected to : decoder , priority encoder , MUX , Demux
61. To serially shift a nibble of data in shift register there must be clock pulses : 2 , 4 , 8 , 1 clock pulse for each data
62. Mod 10 counter uses Flip flop : 10 , 4 , 2 , 8
63. Which family IC have better noise immunity : TTL , ECL , CMOS , DTL
64. Address required for 4096 bit memory arranged in 512 X 8 memory
65. When 8 bits serial in / out shift reg. I sused for 20 (mew)sec time delay. Find clock frequency
66. Conversion time of 6 bit successive approximation type ADC : 32 , 64 , 6 , 1/6 usec
67. Fibre optic cable best for high speed data transfer : single mode step index , multiple mode step index , single mode graded index , multiple mode graded index
68. Microcontroller includes : CPU + Memory + I/O + Clock Generator , CPU + Memory + I/O , CPU + I/O
69. Flag to manipulate movement of string : parity , zero , direction , inter
70. . Microwave signal propagates by way of : direct , surface , sky , standing wave
71. Makes equivalent current generator in circuit analysis : Norton , Thevenin , Maxm. Power Transfer , Superposition
72. When HPF and LPF section are connected in // it as Band reject filter with : fl > fh , fl = fh , fl < fh 73. When peak transmitted power of a radar is increased by a factor of 16 , maxm range increases by a factor : 2 , 4, 8, 16 ************************************* 1.If a president has to resign, he should give his application to? 2.which river cut the tropical of cancer twice? 3.Mansabdari system introduced by? 4.chairman of national comission for farmer? 5.which Indian organization first obtained cisf securtiy certificate? 6.who is the guru of mahatama gandhi? 7.where will next climate summit(cop 16) will take place? 8.Highest peak in the sathpura range? 9.KONKAN coastalline is held b/n? 10.Author of "Neel Darpan"? 11."Child labour is crime" which article? 12.first buddist council held in? 13."National Environment Engineering" Institute is located in? 14.where is Bear lake? 15.Chairman of congress during split of INC into extremist and moderate(popularly known as Surat split)? 16.min age defined for the judge of supreme court? 17.Most sweet naturally occuring sugar is? 18. Pellagra is due to deficiency of which Vitamin? 19.Fundamental rights were first raised in which city? 20.Tipaimukh DAM situated at? 21.Krishna River emerges from? 22.Tadri Ultra Mega Power Project is at? 23.State with highest decay in population growth rate in 2001 census? 24.Sex ratio of india in 2001 census? 25.Grandmaster Parimarjan Negi has won? 26.NH_15 b/w which cities? 27.National Solar Mission is to ensure 20000 MW power production by which year? 28.Moplah Rebels situated at? 29.2010 FIFA world cup held at?(only q to which i know d ans :) ) 30.Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Council to the Indian Prime Minister? 31.In Assembly elections state in which a single party has won all seats? 32.Indian Space appliocation center located at? 33.What is another name of Red Blood Corpuscle? 34.Sun's highest distance from earth is called? 35.What is capacity of India's First Nuclear Submarine(Arihant)? & 5 more i dont remeber... Section2:(80 mins)(easy) it was very easy and consists ques from (no numericals) microprocessor,consumer electronics,electrical sciences(q on statements of KVL , KCL, n/w Theorems),analog comm(AM,FM),digital comm,Comp n/w,Microwave,Circuit n sys,digital cir n sys) (no ques from analog electronics,embedded sys,optical,VLSI,DSP,Signal sys,Control engg!!) Section 3:(subj 1 page each)(20 mins)(easy) 1.Unity in diversity & 2.impact of globalization on rural economy Section 4:(subj)(moderate) 1. design circuit satisfy eq (15mins+) v0=integration(v1 dt) + int(v2 dt) + int(v3 dt) 2. simple ques on karnaugh maps ( 5 mins) solve SOP( 4 variable) & verify result using boolean algebra... ********************************** 1. Where is the next climate summit COP going to take place? 2. Who was the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi? 3. The new Jawaharlal Nehru Mega nuclear project is going to achieve 20000MW is to end in (2015,2022,2030..) 4. What is the origin of Krishna River 5. In which state Tapaimukh dam is going to be made? 6. Who was the leader of congress party in 1907, when extrimists and moderates were separated? 7. In which article it is mentioned that “No child of age less than 14 yrs should be employed”? 8. In which country, Football world cup is being held in 2010? 9. What is the minimum age limit for chief justice of India? 10. The president of India submits its resignation to whom? 11. In which country is bear lake 12. Moplah rebellion was started where? 13. Who wrote “Neel Darpan “while Indigo movement in India? 14. What is the sex ratio in India from the last census? 15. From the census 2001, in which state has there been minimum decadal growth of population ? 16. In which state latest election, all seats were won by a single party? 17. Deficiency of which vitamin leads to Pallegra ( Calciferol, Naicin, Retinol, Riboflavin) 18. Who is the head of UN watch dog , IAEA? (yukio Amano) 19. What is the power of nuclear reactor used in INS Arihant?(200W, 120 W, 80W,.) 20. KONKAN is a joint naval exercise between which two countries? 21. Who was the head of Army Tribunal meet which recently took place? 22. Where is the India’s first aerospace SEZ being formed? 23. Who leads the scientific advisory team of Prime Minister? 24. Which is the highest peak in Satpura range? 25. Which river cuts the tropic of Capricorn twice? 26. In which session was fundamental rights resolution passed? (Lahore, Karachi, Calcutta) 27. Where in India is National environmental institute located? 28. Where is SAC institute located? 29. NH 15 connects which two cities? 30. Who started Mansabdari system ( akbar, Jahangir,…) 31. Where was first Buddhist council held in India? 32. When the earth is at largest distance from the sun, what is that distance called?( apogee, perigee, apehilion,perihelion) 33. What keeps the satellite balanced while rotating in the orbit? (centripetal force and its inertia, gravitational force and inertia….) 34. Which is the sweetest sugar? ( sucrose, maltose, fructose, glucose) 35. What is the highest position of a satellite called when it is in an elliptical orbit? ( zenith, apex,..) 36. Rajiv Gandhi sadbhavna Award 2009 (Gautam BHAI) 37. Parmirajan won which trophy ( he is related to Chess, youngest Indian) 38. What is biological name of red blood cell? Technical- 80 1. What is the minimum BW required for a signal rate of 56 KbpS. 2. A parallel connection of LPF and HPF will act as a band reject filter under what conditions? 3. The measurement of Q factor is based on (resonance) 4. The expression AB + B’C will have ______ zeros in its output table. 5. In which type of modulation , no synchronization of carrier is required(BPSK, QPSK, DPSK, QAM) 6. In PLL, from which instrument do we take the output (LPF, encoder….) 7. Demphasis is used when (after modulation, to attenuate the low frequency signals…) 8. Which one is analog ( PWM, PCM, ..) 9. What is the resolution of 6-bit ADC.( in %) 10. In flash ADC, which element gets the output of the source voltage output value? ( Priority encoder, LPF) 11. Given the value 100001 in the fifth pulse of ripple counter, what would be value in 6th pulse. 12. Given a code in BCD, convert it into binary. 13. For a 6 bit SAR DAC (successive..) , the time taken to convert the signal if frequency is 1MHz ( 6 µsec,..1/6 µsec,..) 14. We don’t use a differentiator in a control system ,why? ( it reduces gain, it reduces damping, it adds error) 15. A S.C transmission line of length less than λ/4, acts as a ( parallel LC circuit, series LC circuit, A pure inductor, a pure capacitor) 16. Which amplifier has least efficiency?( Class A , B, C, D) 17. If the µ is changed from 0 to 1 in AM, what is the change in transmitted power( doubles, increases by 50%.) 18. If the transmitted power is increased by a factor of 16, what is the change in range. 19. An integrator is ( LPF, BPF, bandpass.. bandstop) 20. If an IP address starts with 110.. in which class will it be considered( Class A, B, C, D) 21. HTTP is a ____________ protocol( connection oriented, stateless, stateful,…) 22. When A SCR is in forward biased , then ( all 3 junctions are reverse biased, 1 is R.B, 2 F.B,….) 23. What is β ( Ie/Ic… Ic/Ie…) 24. What is fan-out expressed in terms of (voltage gain, current gain, unit load terms…) 25. Which two currents are of similar values.( Ie and Ic……, Ic and Ib…) 26. Voltage gain of an emitter follower is ( more than unity ..,less than or equal to unity…) 27. In order to protect the SCR out of increased di/dt, which circuit is utilized (an inductor in series, a RC in parallel, a circuit breaker) 28. What is holding current?(minimum current at which the SCR comes from off to On) 29. Slew rate is expressed in terms of ( V/µs, µV/s,….) 30. What is the sensitivity of a voltmeter in terms of (volts/ohm, ohm/volt,volts..) 31. How many SCRs are required for a centre tapped 1-ph cycloconvertor? 32. A 555 timer has how many comparators and FFs? 33. In an FET, the output changes with the gate voltage having polarity ( unity. Two, 3….) 34. Two bulbs of 1000W/250 v are connected in series with a 250V voltage source, what would be the resultant power. 35. 100 bulbs of 9V are connected in parallel, what is the voltage across each bulb? 36. Which theorem suggests a current generator (superposition, thevinin, Norton..) 37. An ideal OPAMP characteristics.. like Ri, Ro…Av.. 38. An ADSL technology came with a view that users ( upload more than download, equal upload and download……) 39. A µwave signal propagates as a ( direct wave, surface wave,sky wave…) 40. In CRO, the focusing done is (electronic, electrostatic, electromagnetic…) 41. Which flag controls the movement of strings ( parity, direction,….) 42. What does instruction pointer do ( points to which address….) 43. How many FF required to make mod-10 counter. 44. A 4096 bytes memory is required to buit by using 512 * 8 memory chips , how many address lines required. 45. In a dynamic memory cell, the information is stored in ( capacitor, FF,….) 46. Tunnel diode is a (highly doped PN jn… a p-type….) 47. The difference b/w controlled signal and desired o/p is called ( error signal, actuated signal….) 48. Transfer function is ( L.T of output to i/p) 49. In spread-spectrum, frequency hopping and direct sequence techniques, what is common ( frequency shifting, pseudo random noise generator…) 50. A LASER light is very bright because ( it is coherent, monochromatic….) 51. What is aspect ratio? 52. What is lissagious figures used to find? 53. If in CRO, voltage/division is changed, what is the change implied to? 54. Positive feedback is same as ( regenerative feedback) 55. Given a capacitor and it’s charge and voltage. Find the capacitance value. 56. TO make a basic comparator, which gate is employed ( AND, NOR, NAND, XNOR) 57. Given a series of binary numbers, to find the correct parity bit, if odd parity is required. 58. Which has highest noise immunity ( ECL, TTL, CMOS, DTL) 59. If 0.5v is given as an input to a TTL IC , then it is considered as (LOW, HIGH, undefined, high impedance) 60. Wein bridge is used for what measurement? 61. Unit of magnetic flux. 62. The current in a forward biased pn jn is due to ? 63. Full form of TRAPATT diode. 64. Fetch operation in a instruction cycle is (1st m/c cycle, 2nd, 3rd,) Subjective type 121. Write on “Unity in Diversity” in India. 122. What is the impact of globalization on rural economy. 123. It is required to find V= ∫v1 dt + ∫v2 dt + ∫v3 dt . Draw a circuit to realize it and then prove the realization. 124. Given a 4-variable expression. Find the minimized exp using K-Map and then prove the result using Boolean algebra ***************************************** GENERAL AWARENESS AND CURRENT AFFAIRS 1. India has signed an agreement to procure Advanced Jet Trainer (Hawk) from which of the following countries ? (a) USA (b) UK (c) France (d) Russia Ans: ( b ) UK 2. The United States has granted the status of ?major non-NATO ally? to which of the following countries recently ? (a) Pakistan (b) India (c) Afghanistan (d) Myanmar Ans: ( a ) Pakistan 3. Who among the following persons bought the sword of Tipu Sultan in London and brought it back to India ? (a) Ratan Tata (b) Mukesh Ambani (c) Vijay Mallya (d) Aditya Birla Ans: ( c ) Vijay Mallya 4. Which of the following companies became India?s first listed IT firm to have crossed $1 billion turnover ? (a) Satyam (b) HCL (c) Wipro (d) Infosys Technologies Ans: ( d ) Infosys Technologies 5. Who among the following women has become the highest individual scorer in an innings in Tests ? (a) Mithali Raj (b) Kiran Baloch (c) Diana Eduljee (d) None of these Ans: ( b ) Kiran Baloch 6. Who is the new Prime Minister of Sri Lanka ? (a) Chandrika Kumaratunga (b) Ranil Wickremesinghe (c) Mahinda Rajapakse (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Mahinda Rajapakse 7. Hamas is a militant organization fighting against which of the following countries ? (a) Sudan (b) Israel (c) Brazil (d) Syria Ans: ( b ) Israel 8. Who among the following has become the first Indian to score a triple century in Tests ? (a) Rahul Dravid (b) Sachin Tendulkar (c) V.V.S. Laxman (d) Virender Sehwag Ans: ( d ) Virender Sehwag 9. Who among the following has won the Femina Miss India Universe 2004 title ? (a) Lakshmi Pandit (b) Sayali Bhagat (c) Tanushree Dutta (d) Jyoti Brahmin Ans: ( c ) Tanushree Dutta 10. The 9th South Asian Federation Games were held recently in which of the following cities ? (a) Islamabad (b) Hyderabad (c) Kathmandu (d) Colombo Ans: ( a ) Islamabad 11. Which of the following parts of the poppy plant is used for the extraction of opium ? (a) Capsules (b) Flowers (c) Leaves (d) Roots Ans: ( b ) Flowers 12. Who is the Chairman of the Twelfth Finance Commission ? (a) C. Rangarajan (b) N. N. Vohra (c) Bimal Jalan (d) Vijay Kelkar Ans: ( a ) C. Rangarajan 13. The first feature film (talkie) produced in India was (a) Hatimtai (b) Alamm Ara (c) Pundalik (d) Raja Harishchandra Ans: ( b ) Alamm Ara 14. During the Indian freedom struggle, ?The Deccan Educational Society? was founded by (a) B.G. Tilak (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) G.K. Gokhale (d) M.G. Ranade Ans: ( d ) M.G. Ranade 15. A ?black hole? is a body in space which does not allow any radiation to come out. This property is due to its (a) Very small size (b) Very large size (c) Very high density (d) Very low density Ans: ( c ) Very high density 16. The ?Chilka Lake region? lies in between the deltas of (a) Ganga and Mahanadi (b) Godavari and Krishna (c) Mahanadi and Godavari (d) Krishna and Kaveri Ans: ( c ) Mahanadi and Godavari 17. The 44th Amendment of the Indian Constitution withdrew the Fundamental Right (a) To freedom of religion (b) To constitutional remedies (c) To property (d) Against exploitation Ans: ( c ) To property 18. The Legislative Council of a State in India can be abolished or created by (a) The President of India in consultation with the Council of Ministers of the State concerned (b) The Legislative Assembly of the State concerned (c) The Parliament at a joint sitting of both the Houses (d) The Parliament, provided the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect Ans: ( d ) The Parliament, provided the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect 19. At which stage in its life cycle does the silk work yield the fibre of commerce ? (a) Egg (b) Larva (c) Pupa (d) Imago Ans: ( c ) Pupa 20. Persons below the poverty line in India are classified as such based on whether (a) They are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket (b) They get work for a prescribed minimum number of days in a year (c) They belong to agricultural labourer household and the scheduled caste /tribe social group (d) Their daily wages fall below the prescribed minimum wages Ans: ( a ) They are entitled to a minimum prescribed food basket 21. As per 1991 Census, which one of the following groups of Union Territories had the highest literacy rate ? (a) Chandigarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli (b) Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar Islands (c) Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Pondicherry (d) Pondicherry and Delhi Ans: ( b ) Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar Islands 22. In order to win the Grand Slam in Tennis, a player must win which one of the following groups of tournaments ? (a) Australian Open, Wimbeldon, French Open, U.S. Open (b) Wimbledon, French Open, U.S. Open, Swedish Open (c) Wimbledon, French Open, Paegas Czec Open, U.S. Open (d) Davis Cup, Wimbledon, French Open, Australian Open Ans: ( a ) Australian Open, Wimbeldon, French Open, U.S. Open 23. ?Abhinava Bharat?, a secret society of revolutionaries, was organized by (a) Khudiram Bose (b) V.D. Savarkar (c) Prafulla Chaki (d) Bhagat Singh Ans: ( b ) V.D. Savarkar 24. Endoscopy, a technique used to explore the stomach or other inner parts of the body, is based on the phenomenon of (a) Total internal reflection (b) Interference (c) Diffraction (d) Polarisation Ans: ( a ) Total internal reflection 25. Which one of the following lakes forms and international boundary between Tanzania and Uganda ? (a) Chad (b) Malawi (c) Victoria (d) Zambezi Ans: ( c ) Victoria 26. Who among the following has been appointed the National Security Adviser by the UPA Government ? (a) Brajesh Mishra (b) J. N. Daxit (c) Soli J. Sorabjee (d) T. K. A. Nair Ans: ( b ) J. N. Daxit 27. Who among the following is the new Chief Minister of Karnataka ? (a) S. M. Krishna (b) Uma Bharti (c) Dharam Singh (d) Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy Ans: ( c ) Dharam Singh 28. Who among the following has won the Miss Universe 2004 crown ? (a) Jennifer Hawkins (b) Shandi Finnessey (c) Alba Reyes (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) Jennifer Hawkins 29. A solemn ceremony to mark the 60th Anniversary of D-Day landings of the Allies troops during the Second World War, was held in (a) Pearl Harbour (b) Normandy (c) New York (d) Lisbon Ans: ( b ) Normandy 30. Which of the following cricketers holds the world record of maximum number of sixes in Tests ? (a) Chris Carins (New Zealand) (b) Viv Richards (West Indies) (c) Sachin Tendulkar (India) (d) Wasim Akram (Pakistan) Ans: ( a ) Chris Carins (New Zealand) 31. Who among the following has been appointed the new Chief Justice of India ? (a) Justice Rajendra Babu (b) Justice V. N. Khare (c) Justice R. C. Lahoti (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Justice R. C. Lahoti 32. Who among the following sports persons got the honour of lighting the Olympic flame at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in New Delhi recently ? (a) Anjali Bhagwat (b) Abhinav Bindra (c) Viswanathan Anand (d) K. M. Beenamol Ans: ( a ) Anjali Bhagwat 33. Who among the following has been appointed new chairman of the National Commission for Farmers ? (a) Ajit Singh (b) K. C. Pant (c) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan (d) Sharad Pawar Ans: ( c ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan 34. Which of the following planets crossed the face of the sun (in transit) after 122 years recently ? (a) Mars (b) Venus (c) Jupiter (d) Saturn Ans: ( b ) Venus 35. Which of the following countries was readmitted to the Commonwealth recently ? (a) Nepal (b) Myanmar (c) Pakistan (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Pakistan 36. The world governing body of which of the following sports celebrated its 100 years in existence recently ? (a) Football (b) Hockey (c) Badminton (d) Cricket Ans: ( a ) Football 37. Who among the following won the men?s singles title of the French Open 2004 ? (a) Guillermo Coria (b) Roger Federer (c) Andy Roddick (d) Gaston Gaudio Ans: ( d ) Gaston Gaudio 38. Who is India?s first Woman Grand Master in Chess ? (a) Aarthie Ramaswamy (b) Koneru Humpy (c) S. Meenakshi (d) S. Vijayalakshmi Ans: ( b ) Koneru Humpy 39. The age of a tree can be determined by (a) Measuring its height (b) Measuring its diameter (c) Analyzing its sap (d) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem Ans: ( d ) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem 40. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? Mountains Continents (a) The Rocky : North America (b) The Andes : South America (c) The Alps : Europe (d) The Ural : Africa Ans: ( d ) The Ural : Africa 41. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ? (a) ?Purna Swaraj? Resolution : 1929 (b) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931 (c) Formation of the Congress Socialist Party: 1939 (d) Simla Confeence : 1940 Ans: ( b ) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931 42. The Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period is at (a) Bhubaneswar (b) Khajuraho (c) Madurai (d) Mount Abu Ans: ( a ) Bhubaneswar 43. Which one of the following is essentially a solo dance ? (a) Kuchipudi (b) Kathak (c) Manipuri (d) Mohiniattam Ans: ( d ) Mohiniattam 44. The deepest oceanic trench ?Mariana? is located in (a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Arctic Ocean (c) Pacific Ocean (d) Indian Ocean Ans: ( c ) Pacific Ocean 45. Although fog consists of fine drops of water, we cannot see clearly through it because (a) The light rays undergo total internal reflection in the drops (b) Fine drops of water in fog polarize the light (c) The fine drops are opaque to the light (d) The drops scatter most of the light Ans: ( d ) The drops scatter most of the light 46. During the Mughal period, which one of the following were the first to come to India as traders ? (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) Danish (d) English Ans: ( a ) Portuguese 47. Who among the following Delhi Sultans is known for introducing market control mechanism ? (a) Iltutmish (b) Balban (c) Alauddin Khalji (d) Firoze Tughlaq Ans: ( c ) Alauddin Khalji 48. Which one of the following mountain peaks of the Himalayas is NOT in India ? (a) Annapurna (b) Nanda Devi (c) Mt. Kamet (d) Kanchenjunga Ans: ( a ) Annapurna 49. A rift valley is formed mainly due to (a) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust (b) The subsidence of the floor of a river valley (c) The valley formed after the formation of fold mountains (d) The deepening of a valley by ice action Ans: ( a ) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust 50. Who is the author of the book, ?The Man Who Divided India? ? (a) Arun Shourie (b) Dominique Lapierre (c) Rafiq Zakaria (d) Salman Rushdie Ans: ( c ) Rafiq Zakaria

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