Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh Online
Original Solved ECIL GET Exam pattern/Paper-2010 for Electronics(ECE)based on candidate experience.ECIL GET exam is going to held on 28.08.2011. Please find below Original Solved ECIL GET Exam pattern/Paper-2010 for Electronics(ECE).
Major portion of the questions are related to digital electronics, Opamps, network analysis, EMF & transmission lines
5o technical questions, duration 2 hours No non-technical section.
* 4-5 questions from digital elec.
* 2-3 from analog electronic.* 2-3 from transmission lines.
* 2 questions from network.
* 3-4 ques from control system.
* 1 questions from cro.
* 2 questions from C language.
* 2 from processors.
* 1 from antenna
Original Solved ECIL GET Exam pattern/Paper-2010 for Electronics(ECE):
1) Isotopes have _____?
a) unequal protons b) unequal electrons c) equal electrons and unequal neutrons d) none
2) Which of the following have least ripple factor?
a) Half wave rectifier b) Fullwave rectifier c) Bridge rectifier d) Transformer tuned rectifier
3) Which of the following has nonlinear output?
a) Differentiator b) Integrator c) mixer d) Class A amplifier
4) What is the gray code for 5?
5) Unambigious range when PRF=2KHZ is ___ ?
6) Phase sensitive demodulators is used in instruments___?
a) To measure phase angle between two AC signals b) AM demodulators c) PM demodulators d) None
7) In a transmission line maximum power is delivered to load when standing wave ratio is ____?
a) 1:1 b) 2:1 c) 1:2 d) 1:sqrt (2)
8) To design a 16KB memory system using chips having 12 address lines and 4 data lines, the number of such chips required_______?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
9) A 1mw signal is attenuated at the rate of 5dB/1000ft. What is the power level into receiver that is 6000ft from signal source_____?
a) -10dBm b) -20dBm c) -30dBm d) -6dBm
10) Dominant form of distortion in simple Push-Pull Amplifier____?
11) When the transmissionline is lossless relation between R,L,G and C---?
12) v(t)=2sin(2000wt)+0.3cos(4000piet)+0.1 find sampling frequency____?
13) At what condition gain of feedback system =(1/B)___?
a) AB<<1 b) AB>>1 c) B>>1 d) A>>1
14) RAID configuration of disks are used to provide___?
15) To store a floating point number, in a computer system, having 16-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponent(each in 2's complement) what are the smallest and largest positive values which can be stored___?
16) Semaphores are used for___?
17) For a 13-bit DAC(0-10v) when a binary input increased by 1 output(V0) increases by ____?
18) For a coaxial cable Z0(charecteristic impedance)=75ohms, (load impedance)ZL=75ohms and connected source is 10V DC then V0(output)=___?
19) Rise time =2*10^(-7) find bandwidth==?
20) Rise time for 1st order system when 1v input is 1second and for 2v input is ___?
21) X(t) is the input function and h(t) is the impuse response for the system, then output can be found using____?
22) (Z)^-1 represents___?
23) A source 10Sqrt(2) sin(wt) having internal resistance 10+40i is connected with a load 10-40i, find the optimum power delivered to the load___?
24) Two voltages sources 0f 1.5v having internal resistances each 0.3ohm and 0.6ohm are connected in parallel. A 0.8ohm is connected accross the combination, find the heat generated___?
25) Four easy questions on OPAMP circuits----!(on schmitt trigger, Integrator, find Zin)
26) Given UV light frequency and asked frequency____?
27) In a meadium having Er=2 and Ur=2(Relative permitivity and relative permiability) find the velocity of the wave____?
28) A question on Zenor diode (asked max and min load currents)?
1. RAID is used for.
2. For parabolic antenna diameter and operating freq are given then find HPBW.
3. A sample and hold ckt is given in enhancement mode of mosfet then find hold error.
4. Find noise margin in terms of Voh(max,min) and V ih(max,min).
5. For a LTI system rise time is given at 1v then find it at 2v.
6. For a LTI system rise time is given for unit impulse input then find corresponding 3db bandwidth.
7. PC and SP contenting value given. then for a given subroutine what will be the value of SP.
8. Which rectifier having min ripple factor. (Four options given)
9. What will be the condition for gain of the feedback sys is 1/B (4 diff condition given).
10. Simple Program me of C is given then find result.
11. Simple program me is given then check any error or not.
12. For a LTI input x(t) and impulse signal h(t) is given then find the o/p.
13. Convert 5 in gray code.
14. To find unambiguous range if PRF of the RADAR is given.
15. If a 13 bit ADC (0-10v ) input is increase by 1 bit Then what will be change in o/p.
16. R,L,G,C relation for loss less.
17. Given 4096.6750 convert it into binary.
18. Which of the option is not true for Boolean algebra. (4 options given)
19. What will be the ratio for optimum power use.(1:1)
20. One K-map is given using don't care condition, minimize it.
21. In CRO vertical plate getting ac signal i/p where horizontal remains idle, what will display on screen.
22. Four T.F is given then check for critically damped.
23. In a co-axial line Zo, Zl and i/p 10v given then find o/p.
24. Z inverse stands for?
25. Signal attenuation rate is given 5db/1000ft then find attenuation after 5000ft dist.
26. Question given on De morgons law.
27. In a zener diode knee current and two parameter voltage given then find Max and Min current decicipation.
28. For a ckt having two cell given its internal resistance and an i/p voltage is given then find power dicipation across the ckt.
29. Which type of distortion is preferred for making small signal push pull amplifier (Cross over distortion)
30. A logic ckt having x-or ckt given then find o/p.
1) RS485 is which type of connector
a) Single end, multipoint b) Diffrential, multipoint c) Multipoint, diffrential
2) What is main advantage of I/omapped over memory mapped?
a)more addressing modes b)provides more buses c)
3) In 8086 for wait state which command is used?
a) ready b) hold c) intr
4)There were 4 questions fromOPAMP
5) If a lissajous pattern is observed ina circle and one waveform is horizontal 20 sin 100t and vertical one is 20 sin(100t+q) than what is value of angle q.
a) 90 b) 60 c) 0
6) Which gate is used for parity generation and checking?
a) EXOR b) NOR c) NAND
Two or three que based on op-amp.
Original Solved ECIL GET Exam pattern/Paper-2010 for Electronics(ECE):
1) Isotopes have _____?
a) unequal protons b) unequal electrons c) equal electrons and unequal neutrons d) none
2) Which of the following have least ripple factor?
a) Half wave rectifier b) Fullwave rectifier c) Bridge rectifier d) Transformer tuned rectifier
3) Which of the following has nonlinear output?
a) Differentiator b) Integrator c) mixer d) Class A amplifier
4) What is the gray code for 5?
5) Unambigious range when PRF=2KHZ is ___ ?
6) Phase sensitive demodulators is used in instruments___?
a) To measure phase angle between two AC signals b) AM demodulators c) PM demodulators d) None
7) In a transmission line maximum power is delivered to load when standing wave ratio is ____?
a) 1:1 b) 2:1 c) 1:2 d) 1:sqrt (2)
8) To design a 16KB memory system using chips having 12 address lines and 4 data lines, the number of such chips required_______?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
9) A 1mw signal is attenuated at the rate of 5dB/1000ft. What is the power level into receiver that is 6000ft from signal source_____?
a) -10dBm b) -20dBm c) -30dBm d) -6dBm
10) Dominant form of distortion in simple Push-Pull Amplifier____?
11) When the transmissionline is lossless relation between R,L,G and C---?
12) v(t)=2sin(2000wt)+0.3cos(4000piet)+0.1 find sampling frequency____?
13) At what condition gain of feedback system =(1/B)___?
a) AB<<1 b) AB>>1 c) B>>1 d) A>>1
14) RAID configuration of disks are used to provide___?
15) To store a floating point number, in a computer system, having 16-bit mantissa and 8-bit exponent(each in 2's complement) what are the smallest and largest positive values which can be stored___?
16) Semaphores are used for___?
17) For a 13-bit DAC(0-10v) when a binary input increased by 1 output(V0) increases by ____?
18) For a coaxial cable Z0(charecteristic impedance)=75ohms, (load impedance)ZL=75ohms and connected source is 10V DC then V0(output)=___?
19) Rise time =2*10^(-7) find bandwidth==?
20) Rise time for 1st order system when 1v input is 1second and for 2v input is ___?
21) X(t) is the input function and h(t) is the impuse response for the system, then output can be found using____?
22) (Z)^-1 represents___?
23) A source 10Sqrt(2) sin(wt) having internal resistance 10+40i is connected with a load 10-40i, find the optimum power delivered to the load___?
24) Two voltages sources 0f 1.5v having internal resistances each 0.3ohm and 0.6ohm are connected in parallel. A 0.8ohm is connected accross the combination, find the heat generated___?
25) Four easy questions on OPAMP circuits----!(on schmitt trigger, Integrator, find Zin)
26) Given UV light frequency and asked frequency____?
27) In a meadium having Er=2 and Ur=2(Relative permitivity and relative permiability) find the velocity of the wave____?
28) A question on Zenor diode (asked max and min load currents)?
1. RAID is used for.
2. For parabolic antenna diameter and operating freq are given then find HPBW.
3. A sample and hold ckt is given in enhancement mode of mosfet then find hold error.
4. Find noise margin in terms of Voh(max,min) and V ih(max,min).
5. For a LTI system rise time is given at 1v then find it at 2v.
6. For a LTI system rise time is given for unit impulse input then find corresponding 3db bandwidth.
7. PC and SP contenting value given. then for a given subroutine what will be the value of SP.
8. Which rectifier having min ripple factor. (Four options given)
9. What will be the condition for gain of the feedback sys is 1/B (4 diff condition given).
10. Simple Program me of C is given then find result.
11. Simple program me is given then check any error or not.
12. For a LTI input x(t) and impulse signal h(t) is given then find the o/p.
13. Convert 5 in gray code.
14. To find unambiguous range if PRF of the RADAR is given.
15. If a 13 bit ADC (0-10v ) input is increase by 1 bit Then what will be change in o/p.
16. R,L,G,C relation for loss less.
17. Given 4096.6750 convert it into binary.
18. Which of the option is not true for Boolean algebra. (4 options given)
19. What will be the ratio for optimum power use.(1:1)
20. One K-map is given using don't care condition, minimize it.
21. In CRO vertical plate getting ac signal i/p where horizontal remains idle, what will display on screen.
22. Four T.F is given then check for critically damped.
23. In a co-axial line Zo, Zl and i/p 10v given then find o/p.
24. Z inverse stands for?
25. Signal attenuation rate is given 5db/1000ft then find attenuation after 5000ft dist.
26. Question given on De morgons law.
27. In a zener diode knee current and two parameter voltage given then find Max and Min current decicipation.
28. For a ckt having two cell given its internal resistance and an i/p voltage is given then find power dicipation across the ckt.
29. Which type of distortion is preferred for making small signal push pull amplifier (Cross over distortion)
30. A logic ckt having x-or ckt given then find o/p.
1) RS485 is which type of connector
a) Single end, multipoint b) Diffrential, multipoint c) Multipoint, diffrential
2) What is main advantage of I/omapped over memory mapped?
a)more addressing modes b)provides more buses c)
3) In 8086 for wait state which command is used?
a) ready b) hold c) intr
4)There were 4 questions fromOPAMP
5) If a lissajous pattern is observed ina circle and one waveform is horizontal 20 sin 100t and vertical one is 20 sin(100t+q) than what is value of angle q.
a) 90 b) 60 c) 0
6) Which gate is used for parity generation and checking?
a) EXOR b) NOR c) NAND
Two or three que based on op-amp.

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