Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh Online
Which turbine used for low head (kaplan, pelton etc.)
* Two x-mer a & b have 50hz and 400hz frequency. Which is big a or b
* What is the use of ready signal in 8085 up
* Two lamp connected in series than total power drawn?
* What is unit of flux density?
* What is the ratio of magnetic field intensity to flux density?
* One question from synchronous motor
* Calculate Rth of given ckt?
* Two questions from thevnin theorem
* What is use of MOV?
* Calculate the frequency of parallel Resonance ckt?
* One question from OPAM (calculate o/p voltage)?
* Calculate load current of Bridge rectifier?
* One program on C?
* Which diode made by metal& semiconductor?
* Which sensor not used for measurement of wight? (capacitor, strain gauge, piezoelectric)
* Which GATE used as a Comparator( OR, AND, EX-OR, None of these)
* One question from Lagging-leading?
* Calculate the Laplace of te^-at?
* Given a characteristics equation of stable system find value of a?
* When we used a negative feed back in Oscillator?
* Which is used for amplification purpose (Ans. Transistor)
* In CE configuration why Capacitor used parallel with resistor of emitter?
* If sin i/p is given in vertical plate of CRO and nothing on horizontal what will happen?
* Calculate the Time constant of RC ckt
* If sinusoidal ip is given to schimit trigger what will be output?
* Calculate the RMS value of given voltage?
* Filter roll off characteristics on the basis of active/passive, order, type of components?
1. Function of MOV(Metal Oxide Varistor)?
2. Special diode made of a metal & a semi-conductor?
(Options: Tunnel Diode, Sckottky diode, Varistor diode)
3. Ratio of Electric field strength (E) & magnetic field (B) gives?
(Options: Frequency, Speed, Current, Voltage)
4. Roll - Off Characteristics for a Filter depends on?
(Options: Order of the filter, type of the filter)
5. Amplifying Signal is carried by?
(Options: Triac, Transistor, Diode)
6. Problems on Rth, to find Voltage across a given parameter in simple ckts, etc?
7. Problem to det reactive power(Q) when Vs, Vr & X is given?
8. Only one (non-technical) basic question on C programme?
9. When Syn motor at no load?
(Options: Only Lag I, Only Leading I, Unity p.f, Lag/ lead depends on excitation)
Original Solved ECIL GET Exam pattern/Paper-2010 for Electrical(EE)based on candidate experience.ECIL GET Exam is going to held on 28.08.2011.Duration: 2 hours
No. of question: Only 50 (Technical only)1 question= 3 marks
Negative marking: 1/3 rd
There are no question from Aptitude, GA. So question paper was based on technical based.
Original Solved ECIL GET Exam pattern/Paper-2010 for Electrical(EE)
Which turbine used for low head (kaplan, pelton etc.)
* Two x-mer a & b have 50hz and 400hz frequency. Which is big a or b
* What is the use of ready signal in 8085 up
* Two lamp connected in series than total power drawn?
* What is unit of flux density?
* What is the ratio of magnetic field intensity to flux density?
* One question from synchronous motor
* Calculate Rth of given ckt?
* Two questions from thevnin theorem
* What is use of MOV?
* Calculate the frequency of parallel Resonance ckt?
* One question from OPAM (calculate o/p voltage)?
* Calculate load current of Bridge rectifier?
* One program on C?
* Which diode made by metal& semiconductor?
* Which sensor not used for measurement of wight? (capacitor, strain gauge, piezoelectric)
* Which GATE used as a Comparator( OR, AND, EX-OR, None of these)
* One question from Lagging-leading?
* Calculate the Laplace of te^-at?
* Given a characteristics equation of stable system find value of a?
* When we used a negative feed back in Oscillator?
* Which is used for amplification purpose (Ans. Transistor)
* In CE configuration why Capacitor used parallel with resistor of emitter?
* If sin i/p is given in vertical plate of CRO and nothing on horizontal what will happen?
* Calculate the Time constant of RC ckt
* If sinusoidal ip is given to schimit trigger what will be output?
* Calculate the RMS value of given voltage?
* Filter roll off characteristics on the basis of active/passive, order, type of components?
1. Function of MOV(Metal Oxide Varistor)?
2. Special diode made of a metal & a semi-conductor?
(Options: Tunnel Diode, Sckottky diode, Varistor diode)
3. Ratio of Electric field strength (E) & magnetic field (B) gives?
(Options: Frequency, Speed, Current, Voltage)
4. Roll - Off Characteristics for a Filter depends on?
(Options: Order of the filter, type of the filter)
5. Amplifying Signal is carried by?
(Options: Triac, Transistor, Diode)
6. Problems on Rth, to find Voltage across a given parameter in simple ckts, etc?
7. Problem to det reactive power(Q) when Vs, Vr & X is given?
8. Only one (non-technical) basic question on C programme?
9. When Syn motor at no load?
(Options: Only Lag I, Only Leading I, Unity p.f, Lag/ lead depends on excitation)

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