Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh OnlineBHEL(ET) PREVIOUS EXAM PAPER for Mechanical check here:
This previous paper is totally based on candiadate's experience.
The entire test paper consisted of 240 questions with 5 options for each question and -1/5 marks for wrong answer with 1 mark for right answer.
The paper consisted of primarily four sections
1) Technical Engg (60 Questions)
2) Basic Engg (60 Questions)
3) Verbal Ability (60 Questions)
4) Quantatitive (60 Questions)
A) Technical Engineering (Mechanical)
For Mechanical Engineers only (prod.,manuf.,indust. etc.)
For those who really want to make a difference in this exam in very short term preparation this will be the page that will help you the most.
(Paper pattern etc. (Go through BHEL web site)(120 Techncial(60 Mechanical(10-15 Thermal, 5-10 design, 20-25 production technology, 15-20 Strength and design, 10- no idea); 30- 12th class; 20-electrical); 120 non technical (Very easy but at the same time very much time taking)
Method 1: Practice, practice, practice,. Till die (I have seen these superman in here during training)
Method 2: (My way)
1. RK JAIN theory memorize all theory (leave some which you think you can not handle)
2. Try to search basic of every topic of mechanical from net / wiki go through it.
3. Do not leave any section as a whole from mechanical questions will be very simple from all basics of engineering (except 1 or 2)
4. Quantitative. will be very lengthy in 2 hours you will be able to do only 100-120 you need to grasp all mechanical because the questions from this section can be solved in very short time like 75 in 60 mins (or exceptional data: 95 in 75 min)
5. Use your time like
Mechanical - 1.25hr to 1.5 hour
Non Technical - 1.5 hr to 1.75 hour
Ultimately the decision of selection will be on technical because everyone will be able to solve non technical (Difference will as low as 5 to 10 problems between two persons in non tech) in technical the difference will be 30 to 40 problems between two guys so do not leave technical.
240 questions 150 mins.
Questions in English & Hindi.
240 questions, first 120 technical.
Mainly from heat and mass transfer problems.
* Thermodynamics.
* Panks energy equation.
* Column equation.
In Technical concentrate on HT, SM, DMM, TD, PROD.
Aptitude: concentrate more on surface area, volume. One question from Simple Interest, Boats and streams.
Verbal & Non Verbal: Correction of sentences, analogy, puzzle test.
General Engineering: Major part from Basic Electric Engineering; CS-2 questions, Engg Maths: 3 to 4 Questions.
Then some electronics questions half adder full adder etc.
Some electrical circuit questions.
Some questions from DBMS, computer basics.
Technical section mainly problems.
Problems wil be easy for prepared students.
Some questions couldn't answer without calculator.
They provided those questions to waste our time.
No general knowledge questions.
English aptitude.
Spot the error.
Select the opposite words.
Spelling mistake check.
2 paragraph comprhnsn. (3+3) 6 questions.
Mathematics aptitude.
Find rank of matrix
Find eigon vector.
Ven diagrams.
1 question from sets.
Area of circle, rectangle square type problems(simple).
Basic trignometry.
Simple interest.
Eg: Find the value of 1032 - 532.
Last 60 questions very very very easy.
8th standard students can solve those questions.
But the problem was most of the students waste their time infront of technical problems.
So start answering from last section.
Technical paper
1) How many links in slider crank mechanism?
2) Deflection of cantilever beam subjected to end point load?
3) Stress concentration factor Kf =?
4) What is the unit of BHN?
5) What is efficiency of riveted joint?
6) Composition of Munz metal?
7) One shaft is subjected to torque 1700 N-m having shear strength of 40Mpa. Determine the diameter?
8) A reversible engine is working between the 600F and 60F. Carnot efficiency is equal to =
9) Coefficient of restitution lies between =
10) Pectlet number is equal to = a)Re*Nu b)Re*Pr c)Re*Gr
11) Formula of effectiveness of heat transfer =
12) Emissivity depends on
13) Reynolds number formula
14) Production process for Al?
15) Thick metals welded by following processes…………
16) Logarithmic decrement is given by =
17) Magnification factor at resonance is given by =
18) Cutting forces decreases by = a) increasing rake angle b) decreasing rake angle c) increasing relief rake angle
19) Some problem on Mohr’s circle radius…
20) Volumetric strain =
21) Pendulum problem Time is given length = ?
22) For undamped system Transmission Ratio is R then a) b)
23) Which is not related to CI engine = ans) spark plug
24) Cotter joint generally fail by
25) Which coupling is used for intersecting shafts?
26) No of teeth on gear and pinion is given, center distance is given, module = ?
27) Coefficient of friction and angle is given, what is ration of tension in belt?
28) What is lamis thoerm?
29) Condition for self locking ……
30) Discontinuous chips can be produced by ………….
31) For critical speed should be a)>√2 b) >√3
32) Air at 20C blows over a hot plate 50 by 75 cm maintained at 250C. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 25W/m2. Cal the heat transfer.
33) Metacenter always lies ………….
34) Rotometer is used to measure….
35) Formula for effort of a governor……
36) Stroboscope is used to measure…..
37) What is size of A4 paper?
38) Some problem on riveted joint…..
39) Modulus of rigidity G is given by……
40) Wave properties in solids is depends on elasticity.
41) Radiation heat transfer is directly proportional to ………….
42) Escape velocity is given by √2gR
43) Kinetic energy formula….
44) Corolis component…….
45) Potent ional Energy theory is given by…………….
46) Perpendicular axis thoerm…………
47) Pappus thoerm…….
48) Center of gravity of a spherical shell……………..
49) Angle and linear dimension is given by chamfer.
50) For thick cylinders ………………..
51) N = 10 to N = 10E5 cycles then it is …. a) finite life b)infinite life
52) Value of steel young’s modulus ……
53) Endurance strength of steel equal to …………
54) Three problems on strain gauges ….
55) Three problems on vectors some related to work done….
56) Straight line mechanism…
57) Some problem springs..
58) Design on thermal stresses can be considered for a) concrete b)steel rolls c)blast furnace
59) Velocity problem it is in the vector form to find displacement?
60) Hardness is a property
Euler’s load for columns (end conditions)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Relation b/w longitudinal stress nd Hoops stress (thin cylindrical shell)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->First atomic power plant in India?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Drawing paper sizes:A0,A1,A2,A3,A4
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->In an electrolytic soln conduction takes place by…….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Problem in natural nd induced frequency……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->Stud diameter for Boilers in Thermal Power plant…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->Kinematic pair…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->9. <!--[endif]-->Rake angle….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->Double bucket is used in which turbine……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->If original size of a drawing was reduced to half, what is the scale size……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->TIG welding process is used for which Metal…….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]-->Laser is produced from which of the following…..(ruby, diamond, titanium, gold)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->8085 microprocessor is what bit……(4,8,16,32)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->Problem in friction…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->16. <!--[endif]-->In shafts operating at very high temp what s the lubricant used…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->17. <!--[endif]-->For mass production which of the following process is preferable…(process, product, line)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->18. <!--[endif]-->Dynamometer s used to measure……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->19. <!--[endif]-->In casting, the content of the facing sand used is,,,,,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->20. <!--[endif]-->Boundary layer property,,,,,,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->21. <!--[endif]-->Formula for two springs in series…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->22. <!--[endif]-->Nu=f(Pr,Gr)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->23. <!--[endif]-->First law of thermodynamics….(Q=W+dE)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->24. <!--[endif]-->Transistors-(CE,CB) qns2
<!--[if !supportLists]-->25. <!--[endif]-->npn diodes,,,,dopin(2qns)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->26. <!--[endif]-->Power Factor(2 problems)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->27. <!--[endif]-->1 qn from IC chip
<!--[if !supportLists]-->28. <!--[endif]-->Which s the universal gate among the following (AND,OR,NAND,Ex-OR)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->29. <!--[endif]-->Semiconductor Material among following…..(germanium,gold,copper,silica)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->30. <!--[endif]-->Current, 2 resistance in series,,,,find voltage,,,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->31. <!--[endif]-->In car battery Voltage used was….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->32. <!--[endif]-->Material used for making high speed bearings,,,,,
60 questions from mechanical and other 60 questions from electrical nd electronics. Generally there will not be too many question from electrical&electronics in previous year qn papers, this one s exception. Concentrate in Theory of M/C, Thermodynamics, Prodn, FM, Strength of Matl, Materials and Metallurgy, Eng Mech…..
Section-2(Quants&Reasng-85,English-35, Total-120)
1. Problems in Geometry and Mensuration(10-15qns)
2. SI, CI and Shares(3qns)
3. Time Distance(2qns)
4. Ratio and Proportion(4qns)
5. Venn diag (1+1+2Qns)
6. Mixtures and Alligations (2qns)
7. Clock and Calendar (2qns)
8. Time cistern and Work (3qnsP)
9. Time and Distance (2qns)
10. Arithmetic Calc-square roots, cubes, etc (2qns)
11.Age (1qn)
12. Coding and Decoding
13. Analogy, direction, Blood Relations
14. GMAT model qns-(25 qns)
Col-A Col-B
5X8 6X7
a) col A > col B (b) col A < col B (c) col A= col B (d) no Relation (e) Answer not in option
15. Comprehension Reading-1(5qns)
16. Antonyms& Synonyms (5+5)
17. Spelling Mistake (5qns)
18. Sentence correction (5qns)
19. Jumbled Paragraph formation (5qns)
20. Fill in the Blanks (5qns)
For reasoning Verbal and Non verbal reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal is more than sufficient. For aptitude R. S Aggarwal is not sufficient. Learn more easy solving methods, Shortcuts-Refer TIME material.
Time is the main constraint-2.5hrs (240qns)….Multiple choice(5 options)…1/5 negative mark.. Concentrate more on section-2……
This previous paper is totally based on candiadate's experience.
The entire test paper consisted of 240 questions with 5 options for each question and -1/5 marks for wrong answer with 1 mark for right answer.
The paper consisted of primarily four sections
1) Technical Engg (60 Questions)
2) Basic Engg (60 Questions)
3) Verbal Ability (60 Questions)
4) Quantatitive (60 Questions)
A) Technical Engineering (Mechanical)
For Mechanical Engineers only (prod.,manuf.,indust. etc.)
For those who really want to make a difference in this exam in very short term preparation this will be the page that will help you the most.
(Paper pattern etc. (Go through BHEL web site)(120 Techncial(60 Mechanical(10-15 Thermal, 5-10 design, 20-25 production technology, 15-20 Strength and design, 10- no idea); 30- 12th class; 20-electrical); 120 non technical (Very easy but at the same time very much time taking)
Method 1: Practice, practice, practice,. Till die (I have seen these superman in here during training)
Method 2: (My way)
1. RK JAIN theory memorize all theory (leave some which you think you can not handle)
2. Try to search basic of every topic of mechanical from net / wiki go through it.
3. Do not leave any section as a whole from mechanical questions will be very simple from all basics of engineering (except 1 or 2)
4. Quantitative. will be very lengthy in 2 hours you will be able to do only 100-120 you need to grasp all mechanical because the questions from this section can be solved in very short time like 75 in 60 mins (or exceptional data: 95 in 75 min)
5. Use your time like
Mechanical - 1.25hr to 1.5 hour
Non Technical - 1.5 hr to 1.75 hour
Ultimately the decision of selection will be on technical because everyone will be able to solve non technical (Difference will as low as 5 to 10 problems between two persons in non tech) in technical the difference will be 30 to 40 problems between two guys so do not leave technical.
240 questions 150 mins.
Questions in English & Hindi.
240 questions, first 120 technical.
Mainly from heat and mass transfer problems.
* Thermodynamics.
* Panks energy equation.
* Column equation.
In Technical concentrate on HT, SM, DMM, TD, PROD.
Aptitude: concentrate more on surface area, volume. One question from Simple Interest, Boats and streams.
Verbal & Non Verbal: Correction of sentences, analogy, puzzle test.
General Engineering: Major part from Basic Electric Engineering; CS-2 questions, Engg Maths: 3 to 4 Questions.
Then some electronics questions half adder full adder etc.
Some electrical circuit questions.
Some questions from DBMS, computer basics.
Technical section mainly problems.
Problems wil be easy for prepared students.
Some questions couldn't answer without calculator.
They provided those questions to waste our time.
No general knowledge questions.
English aptitude.
Spot the error.
Select the opposite words.
Spelling mistake check.
2 paragraph comprhnsn. (3+3) 6 questions.
Mathematics aptitude.
Find rank of matrix
Find eigon vector.
Ven diagrams.
1 question from sets.
Area of circle, rectangle square type problems(simple).
Basic trignometry.
Simple interest.
Eg: Find the value of 1032 - 532.
Last 60 questions very very very easy.
8th standard students can solve those questions.
But the problem was most of the students waste their time infront of technical problems.
So start answering from last section.
Technical paper
1) How many links in slider crank mechanism?
2) Deflection of cantilever beam subjected to end point load?
3) Stress concentration factor Kf =?
4) What is the unit of BHN?
5) What is efficiency of riveted joint?
6) Composition of Munz metal?
7) One shaft is subjected to torque 1700 N-m having shear strength of 40Mpa. Determine the diameter?
8) A reversible engine is working between the 600F and 60F. Carnot efficiency is equal to =
9) Coefficient of restitution lies between =
10) Pectlet number is equal to = a)Re*Nu b)Re*Pr c)Re*Gr
11) Formula of effectiveness of heat transfer =
12) Emissivity depends on
13) Reynolds number formula
14) Production process for Al?
15) Thick metals welded by following processes…………
16) Logarithmic decrement is given by =
17) Magnification factor at resonance is given by =
18) Cutting forces decreases by = a) increasing rake angle b) decreasing rake angle c) increasing relief rake angle
19) Some problem on Mohr’s circle radius…
20) Volumetric strain =
21) Pendulum problem Time is given length = ?
22) For undamped system Transmission Ratio is R then a) b)
23) Which is not related to CI engine = ans) spark plug
24) Cotter joint generally fail by
25) Which coupling is used for intersecting shafts?
26) No of teeth on gear and pinion is given, center distance is given, module = ?
27) Coefficient of friction and angle is given, what is ration of tension in belt?
28) What is lamis thoerm?
29) Condition for self locking ……
30) Discontinuous chips can be produced by ………….
31) For critical speed should be a)>√2 b) >√3
32) Air at 20C blows over a hot plate 50 by 75 cm maintained at 250C. The convective heat transfer coefficient is 25W/m2. Cal the heat transfer.
33) Metacenter always lies ………….
34) Rotometer is used to measure….
35) Formula for effort of a governor……
36) Stroboscope is used to measure…..
37) What is size of A4 paper?
38) Some problem on riveted joint…..
39) Modulus of rigidity G is given by……
40) Wave properties in solids is depends on elasticity.
41) Radiation heat transfer is directly proportional to ………….
42) Escape velocity is given by √2gR
43) Kinetic energy formula….
44) Corolis component…….
45) Potent ional Energy theory is given by…………….
46) Perpendicular axis thoerm…………
47) Pappus thoerm…….
48) Center of gravity of a spherical shell……………..
49) Angle and linear dimension is given by chamfer.
50) For thick cylinders ………………..
51) N = 10 to N = 10E5 cycles then it is …. a) finite life b)infinite life
52) Value of steel young’s modulus ……
53) Endurance strength of steel equal to …………
54) Three problems on strain gauges ….
55) Three problems on vectors some related to work done….
56) Straight line mechanism…
57) Some problem springs..
58) Design on thermal stresses can be considered for a) concrete b)steel rolls c)blast furnace
59) Velocity problem it is in the vector form to find displacement?
60) Hardness is a property
Euler’s load for columns (end conditions)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->Relation b/w longitudinal stress nd Hoops stress (thin cylindrical shell)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3. <!--[endif]-->First atomic power plant in India?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4. <!--[endif]-->Drawing paper sizes:A0,A1,A2,A3,A4
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5. <!--[endif]-->In an electrolytic soln conduction takes place by…….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->6. <!--[endif]-->Problem in natural nd induced frequency……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->7. <!--[endif]-->Stud diameter for Boilers in Thermal Power plant…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->8. <!--[endif]-->Kinematic pair…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->9. <!--[endif]-->Rake angle….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->10. <!--[endif]-->Double bucket is used in which turbine……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->11. <!--[endif]-->If original size of a drawing was reduced to half, what is the scale size……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->12. <!--[endif]-->TIG welding process is used for which Metal…….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->13. <!--[endif]-->Laser is produced from which of the following…..(ruby, diamond, titanium, gold)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->14. <!--[endif]-->8085 microprocessor is what bit……(4,8,16,32)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->15. <!--[endif]-->Problem in friction…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->16. <!--[endif]-->In shafts operating at very high temp what s the lubricant used…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->17. <!--[endif]-->For mass production which of the following process is preferable…(process, product, line)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->18. <!--[endif]-->Dynamometer s used to measure……
<!--[if !supportLists]-->19. <!--[endif]-->In casting, the content of the facing sand used is,,,,,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->20. <!--[endif]-->Boundary layer property,,,,,,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->21. <!--[endif]-->Formula for two springs in series…..
<!--[if !supportLists]-->22. <!--[endif]-->Nu=f(Pr,Gr)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->23. <!--[endif]-->First law of thermodynamics….(Q=W+dE)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->24. <!--[endif]-->Transistors-(CE,CB) qns2
<!--[if !supportLists]-->25. <!--[endif]-->npn diodes,,,,dopin(2qns)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->26. <!--[endif]-->Power Factor(2 problems)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->27. <!--[endif]-->1 qn from IC chip
<!--[if !supportLists]-->28. <!--[endif]-->Which s the universal gate among the following (AND,OR,NAND,Ex-OR)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->29. <!--[endif]-->Semiconductor Material among following…..(germanium,gold,copper,silica)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->30. <!--[endif]-->Current, 2 resistance in series,,,,find voltage,,,
<!--[if !supportLists]-->31. <!--[endif]-->In car battery Voltage used was….
<!--[if !supportLists]-->32. <!--[endif]-->Material used for making high speed bearings,,,,,
60 questions from mechanical and other 60 questions from electrical nd electronics. Generally there will not be too many question from electrical&electronics in previous year qn papers, this one s exception. Concentrate in Theory of M/C, Thermodynamics, Prodn, FM, Strength of Matl, Materials and Metallurgy, Eng Mech…..
Section-2(Quants&Reasng-85,English-35, Total-120)
1. Problems in Geometry and Mensuration(10-15qns)
2. SI, CI and Shares(3qns)
3. Time Distance(2qns)
4. Ratio and Proportion(4qns)
5. Venn diag (1+1+2Qns)
6. Mixtures and Alligations (2qns)
7. Clock and Calendar (2qns)
8. Time cistern and Work (3qnsP)
9. Time and Distance (2qns)
10. Arithmetic Calc-square roots, cubes, etc (2qns)
11.Age (1qn)
12. Coding and Decoding
13. Analogy, direction, Blood Relations
14. GMAT model qns-(25 qns)
Col-A Col-B
5X8 6X7
a) col A > col B (b) col A < col B (c) col A= col B (d) no Relation (e) Answer not in option
15. Comprehension Reading-1(5qns)
16. Antonyms& Synonyms (5+5)
17. Spelling Mistake (5qns)
18. Sentence correction (5qns)
19. Jumbled Paragraph formation (5qns)
20. Fill in the Blanks (5qns)
For reasoning Verbal and Non verbal reasoning by R. S. Aggarwal is more than sufficient. For aptitude R. S Aggarwal is not sufficient. Learn more easy solving methods, Shortcuts-Refer TIME material.
Time is the main constraint-2.5hrs (240qns)….Multiple choice(5 options)…1/5 negative mark.. Concentrate more on section-2……

It helps a lot....
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