Published by Roma Rahul Gupta for Chhattisgarh Online
EIL MT Exam Paper For Instrumentation
This information is specifically meant for Instrumentation Students. We have a separate paper as far as Instrumentation is considered.
The paper consists of two parts.
1. General Awareness (50 questions)
2. Technical (150 questions) Total time : 2 hrs
Negative Marking is there......
Correct ans : 1 mark
Wrong ANS : 1/4 mark is reduced.
Paper: Instrumentation
General Awareness
Subjects to be concentrated....
1. General English
Idioms and Phrases
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words based on tense
Sunder bans are famous for ................
Tajmahal was supposed to be built at ............
Jawaharlal Nehru Prize was awarded to ........
A prize similar to Noble prize is ...........
First lady President of INC is ............
Which state is abandent in Thorium?
3. Sports
Where will OLYMPICS be held Next time?
That is all i remember about General awareness.......
Subjects to be concentrated
Control systems
An expression is given and natural frequency and dampinfg ratio are to be found out.
An expression is given and we have to out whether the system is stable or not.
Process Control
The characteristic of P controller is .......
PID Controller is also called as ............
The problem with PI controller is ..........
Linear Integrated Circuit
Opamps cannot be used as ...........
Digital Electronics
How many Nand gates are required to implement and expression
A bubbled OR gate is a ...........
A JK Flip flops with its o/p connected to i/p is a ...........
Microprocessors and controllers
Which is highest priority interrupt?
A 4 Bit word is called a ........
Analytical Instruments
Industrial Instrumentation
PLC , Instruction set and its programming
Transmission lines
No. of questions :
Section-1 (General Knowledge, Current Affaires & English) – 50 qs
Section-2 (Technical) – 100 qs
There were sets A,B,C,D. Although they had same questions but in different order. We were instructed to use Pen for marking our answers in the OMR sheet. So plz be careful.
Section-1 (General Awareness, Current Affairs & English)
There were simple GK and English questions. For GK & Current affairs u can read ‘Manorama Year Book’.
1.Which of the following is not among the new 7 wonders of the world?
a) Taj Mahal b) Machu pichu c) The Great Canyon d)…. A: c) Great Canyon
2.Kaziranga of Assam is famous for?
a)Lion b)Rhino c)Tiger d)deer A: b) Rhino
3.First silent Indian movie?
a) raja harishchandra b) Alam ara c) Pundalik d)….
4.Headquaters of OPEC? (This question was common in 2008 & 2009)
a) Vienna b) Geneva c) … A: a) Vienna
5.two golden arches are found in logo of ….
a) KFC b)Frito Lays c) McDonald’s A: c)Mcdonald’s
6.ANIMAX is associated with….
a) Sony b)Zee c)Star A: a) Sony
7.Sunderbans of West Bengal is famous for…
a) Mangroves b) tropical forest c) wetlands A: a) Mangroves
8.The famous Indian Golf player Vijay Singh is from which country?
A: Fiji
9.First Lady president of Indian National Congress?
a) Sarojini Naidu b) Anie Besant A: b) Annie Besant
10.Olympics 2010 is be held in which city?
A: London
11.Thorium has been recently found in which country?
a) Australia b) Norway C)Sweden d)….
12.In which state Taj mahal was first decided to be made?
a) Rajasthan b) Orissa c)… d)…
13.LTTE is associated with which country?
A: Sri Lanka
14.Concur means ….
15. Euthanasia was first legalized in which country?
A: Switzerland
16. ‘Science Express’ campaign was held in collaboration of India and which country?
a) Japan b) France c)… d)…
17.’Anand Math’ was written by…
a) Rabindranath Tagore b) BC Chatterjee c)… d).. A: b)BC Chatterjee
18.Prabashi Bharatiya Divas is celebrated on
a) 9th Jan b) 3rd dec c) …. d)…. A: a) 9th Jan
19.Name of the meeting point of Bhagirathi n Aloknanda
a) Rudra prayag b) Vishnu prayag c)… d)…
20.Maximum capacity of power projects recently launched in India
a)2500 b)4500 c)… d)…
21.Progeon is the BPO of which company?
a) Infosys b)Wipro c) Satyam d) Oracle A: a) Infosys
I don’t remember anymore….
Section-2 (Technical)
Go through the MCQs (transducer n other chapters) in AK Shawney. No qs from Control System.
Topics from which question were asked:
PLC, Industrial Instrumentation, Measurement, Transducers, Microprocessor(2 qs)
1.Simple PLC logic diagrams (AND, OR logics). Around 7-8 questions were there on this topic.
2.Gas Chromatography
3.Rotameter is used for measurement of…
A) Flow B) Pressure C) Rotation D) Speed
(Two qs on Rotameter)
4.Which of the following interrupts has highest priority?
a) Trap b) RST 7.5 c) INTR d) RST 5.5
5.Address of TRAP in microprocessor
6.How many NAND gates are needed for realization of the logic (simple logic) “… … … … “
7.Descending order in respect of non-linearity… Among Thermister, RTD, Thermocouple.
8.Reset gain controller is another name of …
a) Proportional b) Integral c) Derivative d) Proportion + Integral Controller
9.One more question was there on P,PI,PID controller.
10.One question on Actuators n Valves
11.Venturi tube is called ______ type measurement.
A) Restriction B) Obstruction C)… D)…
Test Paper :15
Paper Type : Whole Testpaper
Test Date : 15 March 2009
Test Location : Chennai
Posted By : saurabh arora
Engineers India Limited (EIL)
Hi friends, This is SAURABH ARORA,SASTRA university, I am from instrumentation background. I had attended for the Engineers India Limited (EIL) exam on 15th March, 2009 in Chennai. Before that I want to reveal one thing, before few days I have searched for the eil papers in freshersworld, i got some idea by the sample papers of 2008 posted by some people. So I am uploading this after I attended for the exam. I think it may be useful for anyone of freshersworld visitors, and will clarify your doubts regarding how to clear the exam, and nobody can guess cut-offs as they take away the papers also with them after exam.
Getting into the details…………
The entire test comprises of two sections, they are
1. General Awareness + English usage--> 50 questions.
2. Domain Test--> 100 questions.
Total 2hrs time for the test.
1:- General Awareness:
1).Where is 2012 Olympics going to be conducted.
a) London. b) New York... n some oder options
2).With what Mr. Swami Nathan is associated with.
(Ans. agriculture)
3).There were approx. 8 questions for English usage such as fill in the blanks and analogy question etc.
4.)Poongal is celebrated in which state.
(Ans : Tamil Nadu)
5).Ltte is associated with which country
(Ans. Off course Sri Lanka).
6).Annimax is a channel of?
( sony , zee , disney , none of dese)
7.)Which of the following is not in a list of seven wonders.. option given.
8).Who wrote "Anand math".
9).On which day paravasthi bhartiye divas celebrated. option given
10).Wwhich country started carbon taxes?
11).Who was first Indian national congress president?
12).How much liters does one barrel contains?
13).e-chopal started by?
14. Which award in equivalent to Nobel prize in India?
15).Where is opec headquarters situated?
Well that's it in the section-1 which i know, and most of the questions were repeated like inc president and opec head office etc. most general advice that i could give read MANORAMA latest edition for the current year and that too read the section on INDIA and GK and you are done with the section-1.English usage will be easy so need not worry for it.
2:- Domain Test:
This part will be purely the technical knowledge of basics that u have questions are very simple no extra knowledge is required purely based upon the factual knowledge of the student.
1).Hot wire anemometer used for?
2).2 ques on Rota meter ?
3).(6-8) questions on ladder logic ,basic relay diagram and plc will do, generation of Boolean expression given ladder diagram n etc.
4).What is the range of pirani gauge.
5).if 'j' and 'k' inputs of the jk flip flop connected to 'q' o/p the what will be the resulting circuit.
6).(8-10) questions on basic control system like.
7).A control consists of process, measurement, controller and the combinations of that were given.
8).What are manipulated variables.(1.output var 2.input var. 3.measured output var. 4.none of these)
9).One question on DCS, functions of DCS.
10).Which port is used as an input, o/p port in 8051.(1.port 0 2.port 1 3.port2 4.port 3)
11).Specifications of 8051(bits and pins)
12).Freq of operation of 8051(11.somethin)
13).How the highest no. in bcd is written (ab'c'd)
14).Bubbled and is? (nor)
15).One question on bimetallic thermostat?
16).One ques on bomet gauge?
17).One question on filter.
18).Which is a high priority interrupt(trap)
19).What is d address of TRAP?
20).On what does d speed of 8086 depends?
(a) data bus (b) address bus (c) both a and b (d) none of dese.
21).what for BHE used for?
(a) dma (b) odd address (c) even address (d) n.o.t
22).(4-6) questions were direct on cables.
23).How 2 chk fault in a cable
(a) open ckt (b) closed ckt (c) earth fault (d) none of dese.
24).In shift counter total no. of states are?
(a) n (b)2n (c) n+2 (d) none of dese.
25).Given an expression implement using minimum no. of nand gates
26)condition for stability (bibo).
I saw some questions with multiple answers but acc to instruction only one answer is correct such as
27).Which is universal gate (nand and nor both were given.
28).Op-amp can be used as (integrator and adder)
Main questions were from transducers and control system and this time d surprise was th mup and muc ques so prep well for the surprise also n no approx cut offs are there just make sure u apply common sense while writing the Exam.
The General Awareness paper is fully comprises of General Knowledge. Candidates those who have sound knowledge in the general knowledge can answer the paper easily. Since I am very poor at GK, I attempted it very poor, Some of the questions which I remembered in them are……
1. Who was Ramansay award winner in the yr 2006?
2. In the yr 2006 commonwealth games are held in?
a) Melbourne b)Malasia etc
3. Under the chief judge of the supreme court, how may judges are there?
a)28 b)24 c)26 d)32
4. In below names, which musician was deaf?
Some names of the musicians are given
5. Who was the first deputy prime minister of India ?
a)morarji desai b)charan c)s.patel etc
6. Who was the first woman prime minister in the world?
Some names of women prime minsters are given.
7. Who is the writer of Gitanjali?
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore
8. Who said first “Jai Kisan, Jai Javan”?
a)jawaharlal Nehru b)mahatma Gandhi c)Indira Gandhi d) …..
9. Where is the OPEC head office located?
a) Geneva b) Vietnam c)Singapore d)……
10. In which state in India the sun temple located?
a) kerala b)Madhya Pradesh c) orissa d) Andhra pradesh
11 How many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra in Indian flag?
a)24 b)26 c)28 d)22 ans: 24
12. Who was the present secretary for United Nations?
13. Who was the only Indian have the name viceroy during the british rule?
Some names of freedom fighters are given.
14. How much percent of forests are there in India ?
a)22% b)19% c)25% d)30%
15. The term “Roll In” is used in which game?
a)tennis b)golf c)hockey d)…….
16. In which form Government will get the more profit than any other?
a)Direct taxes b)Indirect taxes c)exise tax d)estate taxe
17. Name the fast bowler in cricketer who take the hatrick?
a)kapil dev b) Some names of the cricketers are given.
18. In which year the “Dakshina Gangotri“ was established?
a)1982-83 b)1983-84 c)1985-86 d)1991-92
Non technical section : 50 questions r there....some of them are:
1) who was the first deputy prime minister of india?
a)sardar patel b)jawaharlal nehru c)murarji desai d)charan singh
2) who was the first governer general of SBI?
options r given.
3)Date of world's health day
options r given
4)inventor of ballistic missile?
options r given
5)first lady prime minister of world?
options r given
6)youngest cricket captain of india
a) nawab pataudi b)kapil dev c)sachin d)lala amarnath
7)first crickter to take hattrick
a)kapil dev b)chetan sharma c)richard headlee d)none of these
8)how many judges r there in supreme court other than chief justice?
a)23 b)32 c)11 d) 18
9)how many spokes r there in ashok chakra?
a)24 b)32 c)26 d) 23
10)who came as chief guest on 59th independence day of india?
a)george bush b)tony blair, two more options r there don’t remember that
11)1 question on missile
a) agni b)trishul c)prithvi
12)name the only indian which is viceroy in british rule
a)rajagopalachari b)jawaharlal nehru c)vijyalakshmi pandit and 1 more option
13)how many percent of land in india is coverd by forest?
a)14% b)19% c)22% d)25%
14))which crop require more water among them
a)paddy b)wheat c)maize d)bajra
15)when our constitution was made
i think no need 2 give options
16)who said jai jawan jai kisaan ?
a)lal bahadur shastri b) sardar patel c)jawaharlal nehru d)charan singh
17)which is the red planet?
a)mars b)mercury c) venus 4)pluto
18) petroleum head office (someting like cant remember properly)
a)bagdad b)geneva c)viena d)can't remember
19)which is land locked contry ?
a)zimbabwe b)tanzania c)two options more
20)where is national institute of ocean technology ?
a)mumbai b)banglore c)hyderabad d)none of these
21)india has which type of economy?
a)developed b)mixed 3)socialist 4)none of these
22)meaning of inflation?
options given
23)which country is not in saarc?
options given
24)name of lord which is highly associated with rig veda?
a)indra b)agni 3)vishnu 4)none
25)name the famous odissi dancer?
options given
26)which has high velocity?
a)hurricane b)cyclone c)anticyclone d)none,
27). highest income of government is by
a)direct taxes b)indirect taxes c)none
28)2006 commonwealth games were organised at?
a)melbourne b)greece c)india d)none
29)first educational satellite?
30)arrange the word mentle in decreasing order from:
mentality, mentle, mood, metal
options r given.
so , these r the non technical questions which i able to remember
Now, Technical section :100 questions r there in the test some of them are:
(4 options r given in all questions u have to choose 1)
1)full form of LVDT?
2)modbus protocol is used by which type of transmission?
3)graph of capacitive transducer resembles with which type of filter?
4)odometer is used for?
5)which is ore of lead?
6)1 question on telemetry
7)systematic errors are caused by?
8)7 to 8 questions on motors plzz prepare it well
9)1 question on coupler
10)1 question is on antenna
11)2 to 3 questions on thermocouple.
12)main function of data storage system?
13)3 asymptotes angle has options given (not remebered properly)
14)if bandwidth doubled than noise ?
15)which is faster TTL, ECL, etc?
16)hogging current is in ECL ,TTL,DTL?
17)a word is given and asked whether it is american or german standard
18)1500'c temp. can be measured by?
19)1 question on bimettalic thermostat.
20)if we add all active components in the system than system is stable ,non stable ,etc
21)1 question is from butterworth and chebyshev filter
22)7 to 8 questions were from signal and systems.
Some more questions are given on current affairs, if u have the habit of reading newspaper then that questions will be easy. These are some questions from general awareness. (50 questions in this section).
Coming to the Technical paper, it will consist of 100 questions. Since I am from instrumentation background.
The paper consists of questions from …..Transducers,Digital Electronics, Telecommunications and Telemetry, Analog Electronics, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Process control, Industrial Instrumentaion. But more questions came from Transducers, Process Control, Industrial Instrumentation.
EIL MT Exam Paper For Instrumentation
This information is specifically meant for Instrumentation Students. We have a separate paper as far as Instrumentation is considered.
The paper consists of two parts.
1. General Awareness (50 questions)
2. Technical (150 questions) Total time : 2 hrs
Negative Marking is there......
Correct ans : 1 mark
Wrong ANS : 1/4 mark is reduced.
Paper: Instrumentation
General Awareness
Subjects to be concentrated....
1. General English
Idioms and Phrases
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words based on tense
Sunder bans are famous for ................
Tajmahal was supposed to be built at ............
Jawaharlal Nehru Prize was awarded to ........
A prize similar to Noble prize is ...........
First lady President of INC is ............
Which state is abandent in Thorium?
3. Sports
Where will OLYMPICS be held Next time?
That is all i remember about General awareness.......
Subjects to be concentrated
Control systems
An expression is given and natural frequency and dampinfg ratio are to be found out.
An expression is given and we have to out whether the system is stable or not.
Process Control
The characteristic of P controller is .......
PID Controller is also called as ............
The problem with PI controller is ..........
Linear Integrated Circuit
Opamps cannot be used as ...........
Digital Electronics
How many Nand gates are required to implement and expression
A bubbled OR gate is a ...........
A JK Flip flops with its o/p connected to i/p is a ...........
Microprocessors and controllers
Which is highest priority interrupt?
A 4 Bit word is called a ........
Analytical Instruments
Industrial Instrumentation
PLC , Instruction set and its programming
Transmission lines
No. of questions :
Section-1 (General Knowledge, Current Affaires & English) – 50 qs
Section-2 (Technical) – 100 qs
There were sets A,B,C,D. Although they had same questions but in different order. We were instructed to use Pen for marking our answers in the OMR sheet. So plz be careful.
Section-1 (General Awareness, Current Affairs & English)
There were simple GK and English questions. For GK & Current affairs u can read ‘Manorama Year Book’.
1.Which of the following is not among the new 7 wonders of the world?
a) Taj Mahal b) Machu pichu c) The Great Canyon d)…. A: c) Great Canyon
2.Kaziranga of Assam is famous for?
a)Lion b)Rhino c)Tiger d)deer A: b) Rhino
3.First silent Indian movie?
a) raja harishchandra b) Alam ara c) Pundalik d)….
4.Headquaters of OPEC? (This question was common in 2008 & 2009)
a) Vienna b) Geneva c) … A: a) Vienna
5.two golden arches are found in logo of ….
a) KFC b)Frito Lays c) McDonald’s A: c)Mcdonald’s
6.ANIMAX is associated with….
a) Sony b)Zee c)Star A: a) Sony
7.Sunderbans of West Bengal is famous for…
a) Mangroves b) tropical forest c) wetlands A: a) Mangroves
8.The famous Indian Golf player Vijay Singh is from which country?
A: Fiji
9.First Lady president of Indian National Congress?
a) Sarojini Naidu b) Anie Besant A: b) Annie Besant
10.Olympics 2010 is be held in which city?
A: London
11.Thorium has been recently found in which country?
a) Australia b) Norway C)Sweden d)….
12.In which state Taj mahal was first decided to be made?
a) Rajasthan b) Orissa c)… d)…
13.LTTE is associated with which country?
A: Sri Lanka
14.Concur means ….
15. Euthanasia was first legalized in which country?
A: Switzerland
16. ‘Science Express’ campaign was held in collaboration of India and which country?
a) Japan b) France c)… d)…
17.’Anand Math’ was written by…
a) Rabindranath Tagore b) BC Chatterjee c)… d).. A: b)BC Chatterjee
18.Prabashi Bharatiya Divas is celebrated on
a) 9th Jan b) 3rd dec c) …. d)…. A: a) 9th Jan
19.Name of the meeting point of Bhagirathi n Aloknanda
a) Rudra prayag b) Vishnu prayag c)… d)…
20.Maximum capacity of power projects recently launched in India
a)2500 b)4500 c)… d)…
21.Progeon is the BPO of which company?
a) Infosys b)Wipro c) Satyam d) Oracle A: a) Infosys
I don’t remember anymore….
Section-2 (Technical)
Go through the MCQs (transducer n other chapters) in AK Shawney. No qs from Control System.
Topics from which question were asked:
PLC, Industrial Instrumentation, Measurement, Transducers, Microprocessor(2 qs)
1.Simple PLC logic diagrams (AND, OR logics). Around 7-8 questions were there on this topic.
2.Gas Chromatography
3.Rotameter is used for measurement of…
A) Flow B) Pressure C) Rotation D) Speed
(Two qs on Rotameter)
4.Which of the following interrupts has highest priority?
a) Trap b) RST 7.5 c) INTR d) RST 5.5
5.Address of TRAP in microprocessor
6.How many NAND gates are needed for realization of the logic (simple logic) “… … … … “
7.Descending order in respect of non-linearity… Among Thermister, RTD, Thermocouple.
8.Reset gain controller is another name of …
a) Proportional b) Integral c) Derivative d) Proportion + Integral Controller
9.One more question was there on P,PI,PID controller.
10.One question on Actuators n Valves
11.Venturi tube is called ______ type measurement.
A) Restriction B) Obstruction C)… D)…
Test Paper :15
Paper Type : Whole Testpaper
Test Date : 15 March 2009
Test Location : Chennai
Posted By : saurabh arora
Engineers India Limited (EIL)
Hi friends, This is SAURABH ARORA,SASTRA university, I am from instrumentation background. I had attended for the Engineers India Limited (EIL) exam on 15th March, 2009 in Chennai. Before that I want to reveal one thing, before few days I have searched for the eil papers in freshersworld, i got some idea by the sample papers of 2008 posted by some people. So I am uploading this after I attended for the exam. I think it may be useful for anyone of freshersworld visitors, and will clarify your doubts regarding how to clear the exam, and nobody can guess cut-offs as they take away the papers also with them after exam.
Getting into the details…………
The entire test comprises of two sections, they are
1. General Awareness + English usage--> 50 questions.
2. Domain Test--> 100 questions.
Total 2hrs time for the test.
1:- General Awareness:
1).Where is 2012 Olympics going to be conducted.
a) London. b) New York... n some oder options
2).With what Mr. Swami Nathan is associated with.
(Ans. agriculture)
3).There were approx. 8 questions for English usage such as fill in the blanks and analogy question etc.
4.)Poongal is celebrated in which state.
(Ans : Tamil Nadu)
5).Ltte is associated with which country
(Ans. Off course Sri Lanka).
6).Annimax is a channel of?
( sony , zee , disney , none of dese)
7.)Which of the following is not in a list of seven wonders.. option given.
8).Who wrote "Anand math".
9).On which day paravasthi bhartiye divas celebrated. option given
10).Wwhich country started carbon taxes?
11).Who was first Indian national congress president?
12).How much liters does one barrel contains?
13).e-chopal started by?
14. Which award in equivalent to Nobel prize in India?
15).Where is opec headquarters situated?
Well that's it in the section-1 which i know, and most of the questions were repeated like inc president and opec head office etc. most general advice that i could give read MANORAMA latest edition for the current year and that too read the section on INDIA and GK and you are done with the section-1.English usage will be easy so need not worry for it.
2:- Domain Test:
This part will be purely the technical knowledge of basics that u have questions are very simple no extra knowledge is required purely based upon the factual knowledge of the student.
1).Hot wire anemometer used for?
2).2 ques on Rota meter ?
3).(6-8) questions on ladder logic ,basic relay diagram and plc will do, generation of Boolean expression given ladder diagram n etc.
4).What is the range of pirani gauge.
5).if 'j' and 'k' inputs of the jk flip flop connected to 'q' o/p the what will be the resulting circuit.
6).(8-10) questions on basic control system like.
7).A control consists of process, measurement, controller and the combinations of that were given.
8).What are manipulated variables.(1.output var 2.input var. 3.measured output var. 4.none of these)
9).One question on DCS, functions of DCS.
10).Which port is used as an input, o/p port in 8051.(1.port 0 2.port 1 3.port2 4.port 3)
11).Specifications of 8051(bits and pins)
12).Freq of operation of 8051(11.somethin)
13).How the highest no. in bcd is written (ab'c'd)
14).Bubbled and is? (nor)
15).One question on bimetallic thermostat?
16).One ques on bomet gauge?
17).One question on filter.
18).Which is a high priority interrupt(trap)
19).What is d address of TRAP?
20).On what does d speed of 8086 depends?
(a) data bus (b) address bus (c) both a and b (d) none of dese.
21).what for BHE used for?
(a) dma (b) odd address (c) even address (d) n.o.t
22).(4-6) questions were direct on cables.
23).How 2 chk fault in a cable
(a) open ckt (b) closed ckt (c) earth fault (d) none of dese.
24).In shift counter total no. of states are?
(a) n (b)2n (c) n+2 (d) none of dese.
25).Given an expression implement using minimum no. of nand gates
26)condition for stability (bibo).
I saw some questions with multiple answers but acc to instruction only one answer is correct such as
27).Which is universal gate (nand and nor both were given.
28).Op-amp can be used as (integrator and adder)
Main questions were from transducers and control system and this time d surprise was th mup and muc ques so prep well for the surprise also n no approx cut offs are there just make sure u apply common sense while writing the Exam.
The General Awareness paper is fully comprises of General Knowledge. Candidates those who have sound knowledge in the general knowledge can answer the paper easily. Since I am very poor at GK, I attempted it very poor, Some of the questions which I remembered in them are……
1. Who was Ramansay award winner in the yr 2006?
2. In the yr 2006 commonwealth games are held in?
a) Melbourne b)Malasia etc
3. Under the chief judge of the supreme court, how may judges are there?
a)28 b)24 c)26 d)32
4. In below names, which musician was deaf?
Some names of the musicians are given
5. Who was the first deputy prime minister of India ?
a)morarji desai b)charan c)s.patel etc
6. Who was the first woman prime minister in the world?
Some names of women prime minsters are given.
7. Who is the writer of Gitanjali?
Ans: Rabindranath Tagore
8. Who said first “Jai Kisan, Jai Javan”?
a)jawaharlal Nehru b)mahatma Gandhi c)Indira Gandhi d) …..
9. Where is the OPEC head office located?
a) Geneva b) Vietnam c)Singapore d)……
10. In which state in India the sun temple located?
a) kerala b)Madhya Pradesh c) orissa d) Andhra pradesh
11 How many spokes are there in the ashoka chakra in Indian flag?
a)24 b)26 c)28 d)22 ans: 24
12. Who was the present secretary for United Nations?
13. Who was the only Indian have the name viceroy during the british rule?
Some names of freedom fighters are given.
14. How much percent of forests are there in India ?
a)22% b)19% c)25% d)30%
15. The term “Roll In” is used in which game?
a)tennis b)golf c)hockey d)…….
16. In which form Government will get the more profit than any other?
a)Direct taxes b)Indirect taxes c)exise tax d)estate taxe
17. Name the fast bowler in cricketer who take the hatrick?
a)kapil dev b) Some names of the cricketers are given.
18. In which year the “Dakshina Gangotri“ was established?
a)1982-83 b)1983-84 c)1985-86 d)1991-92
Non technical section : 50 questions r there....some of them are:
1) who was the first deputy prime minister of india?
a)sardar patel b)jawaharlal nehru c)murarji desai d)charan singh
2) who was the first governer general of SBI?
options r given.
3)Date of world's health day
options r given
4)inventor of ballistic missile?
options r given
5)first lady prime minister of world?
options r given
6)youngest cricket captain of india
a) nawab pataudi b)kapil dev c)sachin d)lala amarnath
7)first crickter to take hattrick
a)kapil dev b)chetan sharma c)richard headlee d)none of these
8)how many judges r there in supreme court other than chief justice?
a)23 b)32 c)11 d) 18
9)how many spokes r there in ashok chakra?
a)24 b)32 c)26 d) 23
10)who came as chief guest on 59th independence day of india?
a)george bush b)tony blair, two more options r there don’t remember that
11)1 question on missile
a) agni b)trishul c)prithvi
12)name the only indian which is viceroy in british rule
a)rajagopalachari b)jawaharlal nehru c)vijyalakshmi pandit and 1 more option
13)how many percent of land in india is coverd by forest?
a)14% b)19% c)22% d)25%
14))which crop require more water among them
a)paddy b)wheat c)maize d)bajra
15)when our constitution was made
i think no need 2 give options
16)who said jai jawan jai kisaan ?
a)lal bahadur shastri b) sardar patel c)jawaharlal nehru d)charan singh
17)which is the red planet?
a)mars b)mercury c) venus 4)pluto
18) petroleum head office (someting like cant remember properly)
a)bagdad b)geneva c)viena d)can't remember
19)which is land locked contry ?
a)zimbabwe b)tanzania c)two options more
20)where is national institute of ocean technology ?
a)mumbai b)banglore c)hyderabad d)none of these
21)india has which type of economy?
a)developed b)mixed 3)socialist 4)none of these
22)meaning of inflation?
options given
23)which country is not in saarc?
options given
24)name of lord which is highly associated with rig veda?
a)indra b)agni 3)vishnu 4)none
25)name the famous odissi dancer?
options given
26)which has high velocity?
a)hurricane b)cyclone c)anticyclone d)none,
27). highest income of government is by
a)direct taxes b)indirect taxes c)none
28)2006 commonwealth games were organised at?
a)melbourne b)greece c)india d)none
29)first educational satellite?
30)arrange the word mentle in decreasing order from:
mentality, mentle, mood, metal
options r given.
so , these r the non technical questions which i able to remember
Now, Technical section :100 questions r there in the test some of them are:
(4 options r given in all questions u have to choose 1)
1)full form of LVDT?
2)modbus protocol is used by which type of transmission?
3)graph of capacitive transducer resembles with which type of filter?
4)odometer is used for?
5)which is ore of lead?
6)1 question on telemetry
7)systematic errors are caused by?
8)7 to 8 questions on motors plzz prepare it well
9)1 question on coupler
10)1 question is on antenna
11)2 to 3 questions on thermocouple.
12)main function of data storage system?
13)3 asymptotes angle has options given (not remebered properly)
14)if bandwidth doubled than noise ?
15)which is faster TTL, ECL, etc?
16)hogging current is in ECL ,TTL,DTL?
17)a word is given and asked whether it is american or german standard
18)1500'c temp. can be measured by?
19)1 question on bimettalic thermostat.
20)if we add all active components in the system than system is stable ,non stable ,etc
21)1 question is from butterworth and chebyshev filter
22)7 to 8 questions were from signal and systems.
Some more questions are given on current affairs, if u have the habit of reading newspaper then that questions will be easy. These are some questions from general awareness. (50 questions in this section).
Coming to the Technical paper, it will consist of 100 questions. Since I am from instrumentation background.
The paper consists of questions from …..Transducers,Digital Electronics, Telecommunications and Telemetry, Analog Electronics, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Process control, Industrial Instrumentaion. But more questions came from Transducers, Process Control, Industrial Instrumentation.

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